
Are you the same person in real life as you are on Yahoo Answers?

by  |  earlier

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I certainly am. I rub the liberals up the wrong way just as much face to face, but they're far more cowardice in person.




  1. Yes Hennie I am exactly the same person.....not always a nice person but I am a very straightforward person.

  2. Well I think I am.  I don't try to lie to myself or others about who I really am.  I don't like to be the stupid girls who pretend they're cool, I act just the way I want to. I guess I COULD be nerdy; if I wanted to. Or I could be completely embarrassing; it's my choice, and I tend to be truthful to myself. If I don't, I regret it soon after. And the most important thing is not caring what people think, just enjoy life.

  3. Mostly. But I have a rather warped sense of humour. My American friends think I am making fun of them when I am not and when I am they miss it altogether. So as an act of kindness to them, I try to keep the humour in check.

    Have not been able to work out what South Africans think of me yet.

  4. Yes I am - thanks for asking.

  5. nope! ahahah.

  6. Why do right wing facists always accuse people who do not agree with their extreme views, cowards.

  7. yep xx

  8. Yes. I don't like to argue and fight in real life or here. What I write in my answers are true in my life too. If a question is too personal for my liking, I just don't answer it.

  9. of course......why would you hide the real you, right? unless your doing something bad.....lolz

  10. Nope.  I try to sound really cool on the internet, but I'm actually just a paranoid shut-in with 7 cats.  The cats are imaginary, though.  My landlord won't let me have any real ones.

  11. i am what iam in yahoo answers.its my view  and some references

  12. I`m a bit shy in real life. On here nobody can see me or knows who I am really. My avatar I say is me but can YOU be sure ?

  13. Pretty much. I,m a miserable old git.

  14. I can communicate much better face to face or in a group, but I'm pretty much the same here behind my avatar.

  15. yes of course because at yahoo answers, you express yourself a lot and this is one trait you can't do if you're not true to yourself. You need to share what you know and become part of it.

  16. yes i am just as fick

  17. Absolutely.... I'd love to have another, very different persona on here that was a smart a$$ and sassy, but I'd get confused and wouldn't be able to keep them straight. (it's h**l getting old) Besides it's just not in my nature to be rude and offensive. I try to be diplomatic and politically correct. But sometimes.............................

  18. With me what you see is what you get!!

    Or on here what you read is what you get!! LOL

  19. Yeah.

    I can't be bothered to try to keep different personalities for net/real life.

  20. uuuuhhh .. yeah i guess

  21. <<<What do u think :)

  22. I'm exactly the same person I am in real life. However here I choose which battles I wish to fight ( all the hectic q's) and in real life when I'm faced with it I normally just babble away

  23. Me is always just plain me!  Just, that everyday it might be a different me.  But I think I have displayed a fairly stable example of the real me over the 2 years that I have been on YA. I might be a tad more polite here, in real life when I speak, I do not have this slight delay that one has when typing a reply.  So lots of times praat ek my bek verby, and germans are not always very understanding, nor can they see the humorous side of it.

  24. Of course, to be anyone else would defeat the object of Y/A, which I believe is to give honest answers and opinions on the questions posted.

  25. i dont know, i feel like it...but im not sure, only my friends can tell...

  26. real life I am much more quiet...reserved..and politicaly correct.

  27. hah im myself on yahoo.

  28. No, in real life, during the night I don skin tight clothes and a cape and fight crime. =P

  29. I do not rub anybody up the wrong way until they touch a nerve, or I have heard enough and gathered sufficient statements from them to hang them. I am normally quiet…smile and listen intently. As a result it leads many people into believing that I am a quiet and shy introvert. It is amazing what heights of grandeur and belittlement people allow themselves to stoop to when they believe they are talking to a scared little mouse. Until of course I finally open my mouth and attack them from a very dizzy height, and confront them with all the garbage they have been freely dishing out.

    So with me you do not get what you see, you get what you assume. But I am always the same person here and in real life.

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