
Are you the type of person that makes enemies would out saying a word?

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Are you the type of person that makes enemies would out saying a word?




  1. without saying a word? do you mean do i decide i don't like someone without telling anyone so or do you mean does the fact that i exist p**s people off to the point that they consider me an enemy before i even open my mouth to engage in conversation?

    sometimes i do know i won't work well with someone before we even talk with eachother but i know thats pretty rotten so i try to work past it... and as far as i know i don't really have enemies- i guess the people who decide they don't like me even before talking to me all avoid me :op

  2. Yes.

    Before we even talk I can tell. Its usually "Ugh, I am not going to get along with this guy." And I usually don't.

    Works both way though. Sometimes I just know that the chemistry will be there and it usually is.

  3. i make friends without saying a word...

    my mate however offends people without saying a word and makes enemies the moment he speaks...

  4. no,I'm not

  5. I don't make enemies period. Most people find me pretty special. But a facial expression that does not look like a smile would induce a bad reflection on someone to start the enemy process.

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