
Are you the type of person who...

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believes something only when it can be explained by science


believes that there are some things that cannot be explained by science




  1. A little bit of both

    I do like to know the science behind things but i also believe that some thing are beyond human intelligence and will forever be unexplained.

  2. I have yet to see science really answer anything without creating more questions than answers, so, I'll take the leap of faith.

  3. I believe some things cannot be explained by Science. The world is not perfect and therefore it cannot be completely logical.  

  4. You're question doesn't make sense to me.

    Math questions are not answered by science, or are they?

    Do you believe rye bread tastes good?

    Scientifically speaking that is...

    Do you believe this guy in front of me won't shut up?

    Ha ha

  5. I believe that everything can be answered by science.    But yet we are not advanced enough yet in Science to answer all the questions.

  6. The latter, but I am still rational, if that's possible.

  7. I believe that if something is logical that it can be believed but most things must have at least something slight to prove they are real. For example I believe that it's possible that something like bigfoot exists but I don't think it is the missing link.

  8. i'm the type of person who believes in god.....

  9. i think we do the best we can, but we'll never really know

  10. both i kinda look at both but everything CANT be explain by science like how we were create!! hello big bang and the evolution theory its just a THEORY IT IS NOT A FACT!!!!!! DUH I CAN SAY WE COME FROM FISH IF I MAKE UP SOME THING THAT REASONABLE  AND NOT TO HARD TO UNDERSTAND people are going to believe people will believe anything...well not everything

    theory = GUESS or conjecture

  11. The second option. There are many, many things that the science mankind has currently at its disposal cannot explain. There are many things in the Universe that modern science is not even aware of yet. Witness all the discoveries of new things--and you know there's more out there!

    I am a devout Christian. I also know how to think analytically. The two are not mutually exclusive.

  12. yes  

  13. both.

  14. If it can be explained by science then obviously i believe it,, but i also believe that there are things out there that cannot be explained by science, ie: aliens, astrology, fate, and certain mysteries that have never been proved, even if a certain thing is not proved by science doesn't mean it doesn't exist or isn't real. I open up my mind to all possibilities...

  15. I believe in being open minded about anything and everything. Just because it can't be proven doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

  16. I believe everything can be explained by science.  We just don't know all of the science there is to know.

  17. i am someone who is interested in many things, explained and unexplained by science. at present i believe certain things are beyond the grasp of science. however, there may come a time when nothing is beyond it. spirituality, for me, is not about filling the voids.  

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