
Are you the type of person who takes initiative and gets things done on your own?

by  |  earlier

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Even though help or an easier way of doing something is readily available?

If so, props to you.




  1. used to b....

    ive fallen into a hole lately and been tryin to crawl my way out

    i miss the old me

  2. I can be that person who does take initiative in various situations but it ultimately depends on the type of situation you are involved and who else is part of that situation, but overall it is good to take inititiative and get things resolved in an orderly manner.

  3. i must be because there is NOBODY to help me out. I've always been making important life decisions on my own with almost no support or backups. My parents for example, when i asked them whether to go to a college close to home or away from home they said "whatever you think is best for you". Then when i asked about going to a college that focuses on medicine or law they said "whatever you think is best for you". Now when i informed them of my GPA and LSAT score and asked them should i apply for Columbia or Princeton , they said "whatever you think is best for you". Yea i'm all on my own. my family prettty much made me decide for my self all my life. i decide everything. It's a big burden sometimes but it's a lesson in life.

  4. Sometimes, if I have the motivation.

  5. Trying ,  more rough in the February of the year.  

    props back at you.

  6. Because no one else will:

    That's my campaign.

  7. depends but usually i pick the easier way

  8. I'm a Virgo....gotta do everything myself because I "want to be sure it's done right"

    (a blessing and a curse....but I am the most reliable person you'll ever know!)  :^)

  9. yup.

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