
Are you thick-skinned or thin-skinned?

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I'm pretty thick-skinned, but do take criticism seriously.




  1. Very very thin!  But it does depend on the situation.  Sometimes I genuinely don't care about people's opinions and so if they insult me I can laugh it off.

  2. It depends on the situation.  If I am confident and sure of myself then I am thick-skinned particularly if the person insulting me does not impress me.

    If it is a sensitive topic such as my weight or my job performance I can be very thin-skinned particularly if it is a supervisor criticizing me.

    I try to listen to all feedback and make adjustments as necessary.  Even if I don't respect the person who criticizes me they may have a point.  If the person is just mean or a bully I consider the source and move on unaffected by their ignorant comments and opinions.

    No one is perfect, we all can improve.  Sometimes it takes awhile for the message to sink in.

  3. Way too thin and I hate it. People can't really tell how sensitive I am but I let everything get to me. Well not everything but certain people in particular can really get to me.

  4. I'm still thin-skinned, but I've gotten a little more thick-skinned the older I get, especially when it comes to people I'm not close to and who don't know me.

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