
Are you thinking about suicide?

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I am working on preventing Suicide. My title is Are you okay? are you thinking about suicide?. My coworker told me that dont use suicide, because it is too negative word. Are there any other way to say are you thinking about suicide?




  1. Your co-worker sounds like a poiltical-correctness freak.

    If  the word suicide sounds negative, it's because suicide IS negative!  

    Don't insult the intelligence of those who are considering suicide by calling it some touchy-feely candied-up name.  They need help, not side-stepping.

  2. "Do you ever feel like ending it all?"

  3. Well I know at the hospital they ask patients:

    "Do you ever wish you could fall asleep and not wake up?"

  4. yes there are many other ways you can say suicide such as i want to kill myself, i don't want to be alive anymore, i want to blow my brains against the celing, wheres my noose, im sick of self harm its time for the real thing, and more [insert way of dying here]

    yea so what im cynical about death if you wanna die then go ahead and die its your choice not anyone elses and no matter what people say you will not take in a word of what they say if you actually want to die.

  5. "The Ultimate Check Out"

    "The Danger of Suicidal Ideation"

    "A Place to Call Home"

    "A Purpose to Discover"

    just random suggestions

  6. Are you thinking about harming yourself?

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