
Are you tired of Republicans overusing Lincoln and Reagan in all their speaches attempting to mask corruption?

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Current corrupt Republcians aren't worth mentioning so they are overusing past ones - in an attempt to identify with them. Are you tired of it too?




  1. well. i think it is amazing when they say "the party of lincoln and roosevelt" because they fail to recognize that conservatives have always been against expanding rights for black americans and with his pro-conservation policies, teddy roosevelt would have been labeled a "communist" by many in today's republican party. the democrat and republican parties have changed ideologies and morphed incredibly during their long histories and it would be naive to suggest that the republican party of lincoln had much in common with today's republican party in terms of perspectives on the world.

  2. Like FDR & Kennedy are the stalwarts of the Democrats? Why don't they praise Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter, Robert Byrd, Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton or  William Jefferson?

    Or Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi or John Edwards. Both parties have their share of duds.

  3. If Republicans were so great, they should be able to use the last president as an example.

    Sadly, they can't. :P

  4. No I'm sick of hypocritical, tree hugging, crybaby, self serving, thin skinned moral-less, lying liberals.

    Next question.

  5. Yes, it is really getting sickening.        Hope you watched McCain today with his interview with Charlie Gibson.    Every time Charlie asked McCain about Mrs. Palin, he would turn and use Barak Obama as a Comparison.   He had an evil smirk on his face and at times, his attitude became angry and very defensive.   He is not a good candidate for the  President of the United States,   I firmly believe that Mrs. Palin is more honest then McCain.  

  6. They are using the great republican presidents as an example of how those Presidents dealt with things, and then how we should deal with things, not masking they corruption, how about you actually listen to what he is saying in the speech, instead of paying total attention to the words, and not the meaning.

    I recall seeing some Democrat nominee speechs that brought up FDR, and all the other great democrat presidents, "oh, I guess that must mean they are trying to mask their corruption", do you see how stupid that sounds?

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