
Are you tired of all the 2012 questions?

by Guest55567  |  earlier

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I am! About 50 times a day, in the astronomy section, stupid people that keep asking the same question over and over again, will the world end on december 21, 2012? For the record, no. If you disagree, you have a chance to prove me wrong on the above mentioned date. I think yahoo answers should ban all questions about the 2012 end of the world from now on. It's annoying and people are too lazy to check the "search for questions" box.




  1. The world has already ended. That is just the nature of time. After all  just because we perceive time as linear does not make it linear. The world did not end in 2012 it was much later by our linear date standard.

  2. Yes. I'm waiting for the 2013 questions...

  3. Yes, i am tired of this kind of question. I think you are right about yahoo to ban this kind of question.

  4. yes i just asked why

    now i realized that i should delete it because people who think this is ridiculous will ask this 30 times a day too lol

  5. Dont you know that the world will end in 1998 ?


    666 +

    666 +

    666 =

    1998 ???  oh wait..

  6. I've heard loads of different theories about the end of the world from codes in the bible to planets colliding with the earth. It's all rubbish. There is no solid proof for any of it so we will just have to wait until 2012.

  7. :))the world will never will end up dead!the world will always can die this very minute.and spare me with the children family c**p, they can live without you.and the make world a better place for our children it's just moral solidarity to leave the world as you received it.Did the Apocalypse scared you?well good because you will not receive that described pain in a day.The Apocalypse might have just began from ..i don't know...the 1World War something.We're definitely going from bad to worse with few happy peace full moments so as not to commit mass suicide and think life is unbearable.

    i agree with that marketing thing otherwise people would know we're dying anyway.

  8. So how exactly, are people suggesting that the world will "end" in 2012?

    I`m well aware of the irony content....

  9. I think they are stockbrokers. They are planting the seeds of panic so that in 2012 there will be a stock market crash, they will buy up lots of shares cheap, and then make a huge profit on December 22nd.

    Does that qualify as a conspiracy theory?  :-)

  10. are you serious..what will we do then..

  11. This thing about 2012 is all fake . They always make us panic for some reason they just like it . Nothing is going to hit us there is only judgment day we don't know when judgment day comes so go on and continue what you doing don't let it come to your mind

  12. I agree and that is exactly why I posted this.;...

    I agree with the guy right below me, but you have to admit... even when they choose the question, it tells them there are many other questions like that, but obviously they don't even care enough to check. Very immature.

  13. i am !!!!!!!

    i told a few people then one guy asked the same question 4 days later .. i asked him what kind of moron are ya ? lol

    everytime i see the question i tell em to duck lol

  14. What really annoys me, is the ignorance of the askers.

    If they can't even search for the subject here on Yahoo, how can they know the given answers are correct?

  15. It has only just begun.

    Instead of banning the questions, I think we should consider the possible economic ramifications of a large section of the populace believing that the world will soon end.

    For example, whenever anyone mentions the Rapture, I offer to buy their car for $1.

    OK, none of them has contacted me yet but I'm hopeful (and could use a different car).

  16. Yeah I am, especially when we all know it will end 12/25/2013.

    lol j/k

  17. yeah i agree. They are stupid. you  have a to a moron to believe that garbage

  18. Yea, those questions are seriously polluting the astronomy section. They should really ban those questions, or make a 2012 section...

  19. how about "will the world have all ready ended in 2013?" or "has the world all ready ended and we are still here?" or "are those mayan ruins are going to open up and release millions of aliens to take over the world?"  or "what's wrong with the polls section, dumba-s"?

  20. With all the squaking spreading this hysteria, some crazy nut will find a way to do it.

  21. I answered this already, didn't I?

    Love Christinedaae:)  xxxxx

  22. it will

  23. There are a handful of people asking these questions. Myopia was probably responsible for 80-90% of them, until he got banned. Now he's changed his name to "Hyopia" and asks similar questions, but without the 2012 reference, to try and circumvent anyone reporting him.

    I wish people would learn to ignore these questions, rather than add fuel to the fire.

  24. everyone has the right to their own questions wether they are stupid or not.

  25. it's irrelevant, since i have it on very good authority that the world ended last week, but we've all been too hung over to notice.

    yes, i find it tiresome. is there a word for what's wrong with these ppl?

    it also shows the fraud that is yahoo answers. real answers? try asking some real questions first!

  26. Yes. And who is posting these? Are there random people coming into this section and posting these? Anyone who is a regular here is tired of it and knows about it.

  27. yeah man i am really tired of those saying the world will end and blablablaa i think the world can end today, tomorow or in 2000000 years. Who cares just live life! yeah and i hate it when people say that in 10 yrs a metorite is going to fall on earth! pls stop thinking these things and live life happily and in a good way!

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