
Are you tired of being called ignorant?

by  |  earlier

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I've noticed, that when anyone on this site disagrees, or presents a different angle to the more outspoken opponents of adoption, that they are dismissed as being "ignorant" or with outright sarcasm and disdain. Ignorance is rooted in a lack of information and experience. However, many of those dismissed (particularly parents who adopt), have much experience and just isn't the same as yours. This does not make them ignorant. I was adopted as an infant, am the mother of three, have two extra kids living with me, have worked with abused children, and severely premature babies. My experiences have shaped my views as yours have. Yet, I am getting e-mails calling me ignorant?




  1. I'm not called ignorant here often, but I am tired of seeing ignorant replies from ignorant people.

    everyone has experience and knowledge in areas of life that interest them, however it doesn't mean that they're not still ignorant to the real needs and issues of adoptees.

    I don't know who's emailing you and calling you ignorant, but maybe you should take it up with them! I've NEVER had a disrespectful email, and my email button is wide open for business!

  2. I am not sure, I don't recall other things you've posted. Maybe you should open your previous answers and questions so they can be publically viewed.

  3. Well, it's not going to stop. Set yourself as private. And ignore them and do as #1 says, keep posting and trying to help others. The problem with the people that give the thumbs down and call  others names is that they refuse to see a situation and pespective any other way than their own. They do not realize that every case is different, every human is different, and different views, ideas, and ways of life are not all wrong, but match to what that certain individual needs.

  4. As I have stated several times, each person's experience is different. Not EVERY birth mother is coerced, I have seen several post that they placed their child willingly and would do it again.(And been given thumbs down for it.)Not EVERY adoptee has loss issues.Not EVERY pap or ap is concerned only with getting a healthy white newborn.

    I have also been called ignorant.

    I don't think I have ever called anyone a n**i, bitter, or angry.(I could be wrong, if I have, I am sorry)

    I would never discount anyone's feeling regarding their adoption experience. It is THEIRS!

    I do get a little annoyed with experiences and feelings being projected on everyone else.

    I'll get thumbs down for it.....but I don't care.

  5. Yes, I get tired of it, too.

    I also get tired of being called:






    Seems there are quite a few terms tossed around these boards.

    Get used to it.

  6. lol...get used to it.  Grow a tougher skin.  I'm an adoptee and a birth mom and just because my views don't match everyone elses (i'm happy, healthy and content in my choices) I get thumbs down and others tell me its just because I'm denying my true feelings.  I think its amusing and keep answering questions trying to help others.

  7. YES! as a matter of fact, I m sick of being told I am ignorant just because my opinion differs from the asker of a particular question or what have you. I am involved in adoption from both sides of the proverbial coin and feel as though I do have a right to voice my opinion without having to be in a position of receiving "hate mail" for it. My personal experience has also shaped who I am, how I percieve adoption as a whole, and how I choose to deal with the issues at hand.

    Thank you for bringing this forward and allowing us to respond without being accused of "ranting" or "promoting our own agenda" where adoption is concerned.

  8. Yes. But I think that some just don't like it when other opinions don't agree with theirs. I always thought that a person asked a question to get educated answers that consist of different opinions. That way they can make an unbiased decision. After all if we all thought alike there would be no reason to ask a question.  Sometimes I think that you have to agree to disagree.

  9. Ignorance is the lack of information, Stupidity is the lack of its use. If you have researched, have the knowledge, and oftentimes experience in whatever the siutation is, then just ignore whoever it is. I had som enasty ones lately on another subject. There is a way to block a user from contacting you in particular.

    I agree with you completely in your thinking. As long a sa person TRUELY researches every aspect of a subject and doesn't go by what so and so says or by what their parents or grandparents did, then they are NOT ignorant. There is far too much information easily available on EVERy subject for someone NOT to actually look somethign up.

  10. Why Yes I am (tired of being called ignorant)

    That term is thrown around left right and centre! I mean calling an adoptee ignorant about adoption  pullleeeeeze Adoptees ARE adoption!

    Sorry to hear you are getting nasty emails - I get those too (delete delete delete!)  I get some nice ones too, I hope you get some of those soon too!

    Take care

  11. I know what you mean.  I've actually quoted adoption law and gotten the southward thumbs.  Go figure.  They can't say I didn't educate myself with the proper sources, though!  

    Considering that adoptees live adoption and all that being adopted means, I think we're qualified to speak on the subject.  The only time I feel otherwise about an adoptee's comments is if s/he is stating something based on a lack of knowledge of adoption law.

  12. I say, fight back! SO many people lack sympathy, they just can't seem to understand other sides and opinions and choices. People just judge judge judge, and base their opionions on how they grew up or were taught on these subjects. You're not ignorant, least it doesn't sound like it.

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