
Are you tired of many of the things you hear about the upcoming US presidential election?

by Guest60570  |  earlier

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Perhaps you just wish it was over so people could just stop chatting about it.




  1. I do wish we could vote now as I know who I want, especially after last night

    McCain and Palin

  2. yes and yes

    tired of the mud slinging by both sides.

  3. I am not tired of hearing about the real politics. I am a political tragic and thrive on this stuff.

    I am however tired unto death of the hate and lies, the rumour mongering and personal attacks. Most of all I am tired of the relentless pursuit of family members. Michelle Obama has been called every obscene name under the sun here. Her mother in law has been called promiscuous and a disloyal American for falling in love with a "foreigner".

    Royston Palin has been subjected to an examination of the minutae of her life such as I have never seen a 17 year old subjected to.She has been vilified and abused, defamed and despised by adults who believe they are somehow engaging in political debate when they do this.

    I will be glad when that part of it is over. Alas I think I will wait some time for that.

  4. yes  I am tired of it all.  Lets vote now

  5. yes and yes

  6. yes and yep

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