
Are you tired of people around you?

by  |  earlier

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i am so tired of every person in my life right now, they think alike, act alike all they want is to get married have kids have some boring job and then die, so i dont know its hard finding that person who wants to go to different places and talk about random things like experiencing bunjee jumping or creating a new business venture, i feel like people are loosing creativity and i am going down the drain with them, so i just turned off my phone and just content myself with adventure books right now where people live the life!!!




  1. finally someone that feels like me man theres like no adventure in life n its true all people want to do is get married have kids and a boring job im so sick of being around my family im much happier with my friends all i do now is write in my diary or design dresses uggg life is soooo boring!

  2. If you can't find someone to go with go alone, you will miss so much.

    No one would travel the world with me so i went away alone, had an amazing time, met great people and have come home to find that all my friends are in the same jobs, have got married, had babies and bought houses and now are no fun because houses and babies and weddings are expencive.

    break the cycle do what you want, forget them and move forward

  3. there are people like you out there...go find them

  4. i went through the same exact thing, i left all my boring simple minded friends and  packed up my car and drove cross country to live in CA, i didnt know one person when i got here and it was the best decision i ever made! now i have lots of wonderful and interesting friends.

  5. I am not tired of the people around me...perhaps you need to do some introspection before judging others and their needs and wants. everyone is different and perhaps you should have a new circle of friends

  6. im VERY tired of ppl arouind mii! im 14 and i work 3 jobs! i work at the cafe the hairdresser and babysitting and my step mum always pushing me too do them! gr. and i have too do them for money and im sick of them...sorry bout that"

  7. sounds like you need to go out more...who cares if its by yourself!! hahaha at least youll get to meet other people

  8. No.It is the part of our life.We have to do the job,will do the job & must do the job.

  9. No...but many of them are very tired of me.

  10. I agree with you completely and totally. It's all about the new technology to make lives more convenient

  11. yes always

  12. Yes I'm tired of people around me but for different reasons all they do is get high & be lazy not do anything with there life.

  13. If I may say , you are putting the blame on others for  your faults. It is like going to an Italian restaurant and finding the menu  with no Chinese items!  You go where YOU want to go  and donot complain about the others who are standing there , around you. For all you know some of them are also tired of this ' succubus'  standing there dumb  and not doing anything!

    Jokes apart , try picking conversation with total strangers . You will be amazed  what they do .  My 11 years old grandkid chose to go for hiking to Glacier national park with 3 other friends and one guide.  I saw his eyes gleeming  after his return.

    Pack your bag.

  14. You need to get out more.. There are millions and millions of people in this world. Your selection is obviously far too narrow. Travel some where new and you'll meet new people, new minds.

  15. In my opinion, if a person doesn't like the people around them, they should change their friends or environment. If that can't happen, that's okay. keep yourself active and still dream. If your friends don't like it, oh well. If your family is against it, just tell them it's just who you are.  You have a mind, put it to work about what you want to do.

    Even the simplest things can make a difference.

    And don't worry about change. :D If you're worrying about becoming a common, boring person, then you'll only change into one of them. Don't worry about it, you already have the active mind, right? No need to worry about others. They're happy with their choice, you're happy with yours. Learn from EVERYBODY you meet and your mind will grow even more adventurous and creative. But remember that doing is more important than thinking, so keep creating, like painting, pottery, or playing music. There's bound to be someone near who will have the same type of thinking and excitement as you.

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