
Are you tired of people trying to find the most ignorant things to charge against Barack Obama?

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Are you tired of people trying to find the most ignorant things to charge against Barack Obama?




  1. No not at all .... I find it hilarious the blacks are calling him one of their own from the 'hood!   The guy has a white mother and raised in Hawaii and doesnt know the hood from a hole in the ground.

  2. yep, that's why i stick with all the lies.

    he's done it, and i can stand firmly on the facts.  no bs here.

  3. no, not tired of it at all, the propaganda is keeping people from having a real opinion for themselves which is good!    

  4. To an extent...but I also blame Obama.  He is under the spotlight, and he has to know that.  People on Y!A over analyze everything he does and says.  So he has to be extra careful when speaking....that's why he got killed here when he said "57 states."  Of course it was a slip up...but he can't have too many of those.  As tired as I am of hearing this absurd nonsense...Obama needs to tread much more carefully.

  5. I was tired of that about 6 months ago.

  6. God these responses are frightening.  

  7. No because we don`t know much about him. He wants one of the most importance jobs in the world. I want to know what Im getting into before I could ever vote for someone like obama.

  8. McCain '08

  9. Are you tired about the lies Obama supporters use to smear Mcain?

    Tired of them mocking his military service and his POW status?

    Or are you just the average hypocritical Obama supporter?

    " there is a lot of racism"

    And it exists on both sides

  10. Yes.  espically when there are so many things about him that nobody has to make up:

    Choosing a general who was sacked for incompetence as his top military adviser.

    Never speaking up for the troops when other Democrats smear them with lies.

    His liberal 'tax and spend' economic policies

    His total cluelessness about foriegn affairs

    His racism

  11. No, because doesn't need people to do that for him. He does it himself and then acts innocent.

    What you talking bout Cleduse?

  12. Yeah, but unfortunately Obama is all about ignorance.

    It would be nice to be able to address issues of substance, but the Obama campaign has to take the first step and demonstrate that they HAVE something of substance.

  13. Absolutely. There's a lot of racism (subtle and not-so-subtle) that it's ridiculous. I'm not even voting for Obama.

    Dodgerblue: I haven't seen ONE racist comment about McCain. What Obama supporters are calling him a stupid cracker? or "John Sidney Thistlewick, III"? It's bs, you know it. I'm not going to fault you for enjoying  your bs, just going to call it as it is.

  14. It's looking like anybody that questions any utterance from Obama is a racist.. so their views are irrelevant in the public discourse.

  15. The Straight Talk Express has now become the Gutter Talk Express.  McCain does not have a clear policy on Iraq, his economic policies have been panned by the experts.  He has no issues to run on so he has gone negative.  This will alienate the Independents he so needs.

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