
Are you tired of people who are so old they've lost the ability to drive well and hear well?

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Most of them are super independent and I am ALL for that! Most of them will resist all kinds of help because they want to do it themselves! But, if you loose the ability to know when to pull out of a parking area or you can't hear people when they are shouting information, maybe it is time to look into other means of getting things done.




  1. i guess you will stay young  the rest of your life.  I work with the public and 45% of my people are old.  How can i be tired of the old school people that helped bulilded  the US!  I hope you never get old!

  2. I think the elderly should be tested if they get a ticket for anything to see if they're fit to drive.  Life is short and I don't want anyone to lose their life because an elderly person wants to drive himself/herself to the store and they're not driving right anymore.

  3. Um i think you should reconsider talking about old folks like that. I mean what if your grandparents were to get like that?

    One day you will be old. Youre not going to be young forever you know.

  4. I love the elderly... But I totally understand your point and I

  5. Nope Im not.

    I''m pretty sure the old people are tired of the young people **** too.

  6. That's all well  and done,but we live in the "give it to me noe and put it in my hand" society. We want instant gratification,especially when we're young. If you're thinking one of your relatives will take care of you when you're old,fat chance. Nine times out of ten,they'll simply take your money and stick you in a home to become someone elses' problem.

  7. Yes, I am. I'm also tired of young kids who don't have enough experience to drive well and who don't have the sense to listen to other people even though they have the physical ability to do so. And the kids are just as independent-minded as their senior relatives!!!

    Unfortunately, I probably won't be sitting here at the age of perfection forever. I used to be one of those annoying kids, and with any luck I'll eventually be one of those annoying seniors.

    I guess we should just enjoy being perfect while we are! (LOL)

  8. yes because they cause accidents. Today in NH some old lady ran over a 2 year old because she couldnt stop in time. Thank God he was ok, but she thinks it was his fault that she couldnt stop in the playground parking lot in time, when she actually ran into the sandbox with her car.

  9. My neighbor has macular degeneration so he doesn't drive much anymore. Still really sharp in the head.I told him anytime he needs to get something done to give me a holler.

    He said he is going to quit driving soon.

  10. i do understand your point, but just remember, you will be in their shoes one day

  11. I'm more irritated with all of you who drive with a cell phone in one hand than I am with the old slow people (we should all be driving slow at this point, lol).  Cell phone drivers have a tendency to ride the person in front of them, and they've lost the ability to use a turn signal.  Ever.

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