
Are you tired of the Brett drama?

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This isn't a question that is Anti-Brett and pro Packers. I am still a Packers fan, and I will always be a Brett Favre fan, but I just feel like this has gone on long enough! It's over shawdowing all NFL news. Not to mention the people in Green Bay are stalking Brett. On NFL network they called it the packerazzi. I just want it to be over, trade him, release him, or "welcome him back with open arms"(which they didn't btw) But just find a solution the the problem and fix it ya know? This is pre-season and there is a whole football season comming up to get excited about, and all we hear on ESPN or NFL network or even Fox &CNN is this. I love Brett Favre, but enough is a enough. Does anyone feel the same way? why?




  1. the media is just using this story because they've got nothing else to talk about.  Think about it, what other sports can you report on in July?  

    Baseball - mid season, not that exciting

    Football - off season

    Hockey - off season

    Basketball - off season

    If this story came up in the middle of hockey and basketball playoffs, there would be much less media coverage.

  2. Yes.  His ego is way too big.  The Packers are bigger than him.  He should either have stayed retired or not retired at all.  It's time to move on.  Trade him to Tampa.

  3. yes. he even has his own category on the sportscenter ticker that comes on the bottom of the tv screen. thats crazy

  4. No. It's his right to play.

  5. I know exactly what you mean, but on the other hand if you've sat through two hours of a movie, don't you really want to see how it ends?

    sure it's been progressing E-X-T-R-E-M-E-L-Y slowly, but I think we've reached the really interesting part now that he's been reinstated!  

  6. absolutely, i would love to hear about any different team other than the Packers and the Cowboys and the Patriots. Please MOVE ON!!!

  7. ya im a vikings fan i wish hed go there but he should have stayed retired

  8. No, the drama must continue so that no one wants to trade for him. Then he'll retire for real. I just think its rediculous that a legendary team like the Packers are being held at ransom by an individual. Brett decided to retire and I think that was a good decision, go out on top. Why mess with the team, players, preparations and attempt to block a young QB's progress. He's 38 for pete's sake, go home Brett!

  9. Trade Brett Favre to Tampa Bay for Chris Simms & a 3rd round draft pick.

    I live in Green Bay, Wisconsin & love the Packers, but the area of green bay as a whole wont roll out the redcarpet for Brett anymore, ship him out!!

  10. no because I have a life outside of TV. Your tv has an off button, try to use it.

  11. I hate the fact that this whole Brett saga hijacks Sportcenter every day. I mean do they really have to cut to Wendy Nix just so that she can tell us that 'everybody in the locker room just wants this to be over'? Really? I would have never guessed if it were not for that hardcore reporting. The whole thing just taked up too much time on the sports chanels and I'm getting to the point where I just don't care anymore

  12. First I will say I am not a Packers fan, but have had the utmost of respect for Brett's abilities as a QB. Its becoming more apparent everry day that he is just another pro athelete with an unquenchable hunger to feel important. He is like many men who are about tto retire, HE'S SCARED. and out of his fear, hes acting like a child. I don't buy the whole "he's earned the right to play as long as he wants!" or "he was forced to retire!" Are you kidding me? A) what could he possibly have to prove or accomplish? B) use the noggin God gave ya, after the way he played last year, and the loss of media clout they will suffer without him, and the uncertainty of what they may accomplish with an unknown commodity at QB, do you really beleive that the pack would "make him retire?" C) his legacy is as a packer. he will tarnish HIS legacy by forcing a trade. D) if he forces a trade, the only one that will benefit will be the packers, with something of value like a high draft pick. he will not be happy in a different "system", that he is unfamiliar with. E) yes, I just said he will NOT be productive in another system. Let him go to the vikes and throw to their WR, you'll see. My answer for this problem is, Brett go figure out how to be a world class father and husband. You might find it to be even more fulfilling then playing a kids game. Quit seeing youself as an idol, your not, your just a guy who was talented that the media made into an icon for thei own benefit. They used you. Are you too full of yourself to see? Good luck Brett, but go away.  

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