
Are you tired of the global warming scare too?

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We hear so much about global warming but isn't this just NORMAL? Doesn't this weather just come round from time to time. The only real changes I see is the "Green taxes" added as excuse to increase revenue for the government!

Records show that the weekend of April 1-3 in 1983 was very similar so no change in the last 25 years!




  1. Yes the oil Co. are using it as an excuse to raise the price of oil.

  2. No, this is not normal.  Please read this wiki article I wrote for an explanation why:

    I am tired of our government sitting on its hands instead of doing something to address the problem because you're right, global warming is very scary.

  3. No !! this is not a scare , the scare will be a horror show in the real .

  4. It's not a scare, it's reality.  I understand wanting to make it just go away, it will require work to solve.  But it's scientific fact.  Ignoring it won't help.

    This is definitely not a normal change.  Temperatures in one area for a particular date don't tell you anything.  This is global warming data:

    "Deal with reality or it will deal with you."

  5. Right on brutha, glad some people are aware enough to realise its a scam.

    I've seen lots of evidence from lots of sources, both for and against. I'm not going to post one link a site that contains data that isnt peer reviewed.

    Sure we get warm days then snow in april (here in England) but its always been like that in April.

    Global temperatures were the same as now as they were at the turn of the century, they went down, then up, then down and now they're going up again.

    In the 70's there was a big "global cooling" scare. They said we would all be under metres of ice by now... But nobody remembers that.

  6. That is true, the global warming is partially natural. It's like the ice ages, because the weather system just shifts naturally. But humans are helping the global warming get worse and speed up in the transition. So it is only partially natural since we made it worse. SO it's a good idea to still try to help and use electricity less if we can still, even if it was entirely natural it would because whether it's natural or not that doesn't mean we can't try and save the earth and polar bears.

  7. I left the UK specifically because of global warming I couldn't hear about it anymore...Big cars warm houses and plastic bags are the only way for me to live!!

  8. People will always be afraid of something, global warming  and global cooling are part of the natural order of things.  I listen to a  scientist state this morning that if a group of scientist got together and observed a physic claiming to predict the future they would dismiss it has fraud because no one can predict the future.  However he was confused why they are predicting the future of the weather and the climate when in reality cannot predict what it will be like in a month from now.   He by the way, believes in global warming, believe man has some part in it, but does not accept the catastrophic events, that are predicted to occur.  He also believe the money it will generate will be mishandled and that the poor and needy will suffer because of it.

  9. I am tired of the global warming scare.  First off, these people tout death and destruction when the weather is exactly the same as it has always been.  Then they make fun of us and call us idiots when we don't blindly follow without any evidence.  Yet, they are the same people that say that there is no proof of God and even make fun of religion.  It just doesn't make any sense.

    With this mentality, everyone would be facing the death penalty simply because 'someone said so.'

  10. Hear hear!!!

  11. Perhaps you would prefer a quicker result for your efforts?

    Maybe something catastrophic so you can believe the experts?  I mean you have actually been around long enough now and studied long enough now to know all the answers.

    I mean is this you

    "What do we want?"  

    "To see Global warming"

    "When do we want it?"

    " NOW!"

    "What do we want?"  

    "Global warming"

    "When do we want it?"

    " NOW!"

    ROFL at those who worry about it and those who think it is not a reality, 'cause you are both wrong.  

    No one can call it living, if you carry on in fear and also who is silly enough to ignore facts.  It really is happening folks.  

    Fact is humanity is causing (due to pollution) the normal global warming events to speed up.  

    As a species, if we do nothing about how we live, we will cause our species to become extinct.  

    I have to be honest here and say I care little about your ignorant "opinion" as much as you care about mine.  

    So at least there is equality, if nothing else.  I don't say that in hate, I just know you are one of those who justify your way of thinking by just voicing your own "opinion" and nothing else (due to your SOLIPSISM).

    But I am not the type to do nothing and worry.  

    I much prefer to do something about how I live within this world that we share with amazing other species and live a happy, conscientious life.

  12. These global warming "GEEKS" only select out the information they want US to here. There is always a balance to the evolution of the earth and always has been.

    "Tired?.... am in a coma!!"...

  13. The sun is going through a hot phase, there's evidence to indicate that this is so.  Whether global warming will be the end of us or not, you can guarantee that once the global warming agenda is over, they'll find something else to keep us all scared about.  Do you remember the dirty bomb nonsence?  There's always something to keep us all scared.  Just ignore it all, your life will improve considerably, cos there's nothing that you can do about any of it anyway.

  14. what 'green taxes' ?

    we pay less specifically green taxes now than 5 years ago.

  15. the warm does warm up and cool down naturally, for example the ice ages. The earth doesn't just have nice green grass one day and is coverd in snow and ice the next, these things hapen gradually. Pollution obviuosly isn't a good thing and we should try and cut down as much as possible but the world is gonna warm up whatever we do!! so, yh, i am kinda tired of humans being blamed for global warming!

  16. Where are you from?   What "Green Taxes" have been instituted in your area?   None that I've seen so far in the USA on east or west coast.    You are as bad as gore is with the scare tactics.    Give it a break will you?    The temperature today was about the same as it was 100,000 years ago.   Two or three glacial periods between now and then, but if two days are the same, it must mean all the time in between was the same too?   You sound like someone who is afraid to grow up and take responsibility for your actions and how they effect the rest of the people on the planet.

  17. thats like saying are u scared that terriost are thinking of dropping bombs on ur country...realistically if it happens

    ...SO BE IT

  18. Can we sue it for inventing AL Gore ?

  19. I wish everyone could just go back to enjoying life and stop worrying about something so silly.  I think if we don't get some actual warming soon, they are the ones that are going to look silly.

    In the mean time, I think Big Government is using this hoax to get even bigger and take away more of our freedom.  I just wish people could wake up before the American Dream is gone.

  20. Don't be fooled by real life facts, be afraid be very afraid.

  21. Never believed it from day one. I do believe we should not be wasteful and let us stop manufacturing a lot of cheap plastic throw aways and start building quality longer lasting products

  22. To true I am. Life is too short. We are transient in history. Enjoy life, ye boring treehuggers.

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