
Are you tired of the trolls on the paranormal section?

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I know people who are believers in the paranormal want answers about spirits, their loved ones, and other spooky situations. Of course there may be a logical explanation but we certainly don't want our beliefs mocked, b.c we truly believe there is something out there.

There are people on this site that seem to attack every post in that section.

I posted recently a link to my free blog. It's a column on a news site in my city and to keep writing I need your questions. Well, of course someone tracked down my email on google search engine and posted my private info-so what if I have my own business? So do other spiritual people with beliefs, doesnt mean that link should be available to yahoo people.

She claimed I was soliciting, but she was the only one with my business info on yahoo-breaking the yahoo rules about privacy.

Is anyone else tired of not being able to participate in this section without constant criticism and attacks?

Let me know..




  1. I drop by this section now and again, because I find the paranormal to be interesting, even if I haven't had my own experience.  And yes, I have seen some mean answers posted to reasonable questions. I don't understand why some people have to be so negative.

  2. yes i have been flamed quite a but asking very basic paranormal questions that are practically general knowlegde yet these d**n trolls just use it as bait...

    paranormal section?? there is one? d**n thats where i should be!

  3. "WOOOW,...





    WHAT A SHAME,...this should not be tolerated,...

    each site,..each question,..i enjoy,...i see the avitar,...answer the questions,.....(i can't imagine attacking someone privatly)

    nothing more or less,',...that's all i can say,..

    BEST WISHES,....

  4. Been there.  I jump back and forth between this section and the paranormal section because I like answering questions about ghosts as I am a ghost hunter.  I have had several debates with the person you mention.  I also thought that these sites were for people to ask questions and learn more about the paranormal, but that whole little group they have going on that site make it very difficult so I have mostly been staying here.  I like to say they haunt the site in fact.   I did get mad a couple of times.  They talked about dissecting a woman who had some telekinetic abilities to see if she was different from other people.  Wow, did I get mad about that.  I think that they are very afraid of things that go bump in the night and they feel better in deniel.

    Good luck in your dealings with her.  She is very clever.  You are going to need it.  What do you know about EVP?  She can't come up with anything good to disprove that.  At least not in my book anyway.

  5. I'm just seeking answers. I don't believe, but that doesn't mean I don't want to

  6. I can empathize with your annoyance--it's the same way in the Religion and Spirituality section, where believers are bashed with great regularity.

    But the main issue, if I'm understanding your question correctly, is that this individual actively sought out your e-mail address, posted it, then accused YOU of solicitation.

    That is just SO wrong.  I can certainly understand why you're upset,  Whether I agree with you or not, I still have no right to engage in that sort of--what can I call it?  Attempted entrapment?  Pettiness?  Rudeness?

    I'm not even sure there's a word that's been invented yet to describe that sort of behavior--or should I say misbehavior?

  7. Place those people on block and continue on. It's not that hard to do. .

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