
Are you truly happy being a Singaporean? Anything to regret? ?

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Highlight plus and minus points..




  1. i believe i will be happier in some other counrty like Canada, Noway, Sweden, New Zealand

    nothing bad about singapore it is just it do not suit my living pattern, People in singapore are chasing material thing. i tend to achieve inner fulfillment like spending more times with family

  2. Umm... Nothing much to regret lah, except that wih ang- moh teachers we tend to get scolded 4 our singlish

  3. gd...

    High SOL

    Gd education




    insane car prices


    no bubble gum

    no proper culture

    bad manners


    boring place abit happy...but i regret over more things

  4. Yes, i'm glad that i hold that Singaporean passport. Good points are:

    1) Clean

    2) Safe

    3) Great variety of food

    4) Great education system


    1) Very stressful

    2) Very warn( esp in June )

    That's about it i guess. Other than that, i feel so lucky to be a Singaporean.  

  5. Sure, so long u have a roof over the head, some food in the house, no freak floods to wade through,hair doesnt get burnt by wild bush fires,  no missiles flying over our heads, an effective public transport system, a credible police and judicial system, and a govt who promises to take care of the young and the old etc.  We are so very fortunate to enjoy racial and religious harmony, a reasonable standard of living and an absence of natural disasters, so we should not ask for too much. If every Tom, d**k or  Harry makes sure he works hard, we will truly be happy, and there is no reason to regret. These plus points have made many of our neighbours envious!

    The only minus points are::vehicles, ERPs and oil getting too expensive; shortage of parking areas in town; noisy exhausts of motor-bikes and sports cars speeding between midnight and sunrise; high-handedness in sacking people.The pluses seem to  overshadow the minuses, so kudos to the govt and the leadership.

    There are infact not many places around the world that are generally safe, well- governed, civilized or orderly. Well, just my thoughts.  Cheers, lets drink to it!  :-)))

  6. Yes I am truly happy and proud to be a Singaporean. We have a lot of facilities and I dont have any complaints regarding that. High class education system and multi-racial society has done a lot of benefits.

    I am really very contented here. Don't have any issues about facilities.

    But, I think that Singapore should take more effort in saving the world. We are such a modern city, why don't we start using solar panels to generate electricity instead what we are doing right now? And, I think something has to be done about the issue of plastic bags. We seriously use A LOT of plastic bags. Making the first wednesday of every month "bring-your-own-bag-day" does not really help. I think it should be carried out on a weekly basis, and gradually, on an everyday-basis.

    And lastly, I admit that I do have a problem with the smoking thing. A lot of teens are starting to smoke these days as they think "it's cool". Well, even though they have banned smoking in public places, some people do not heed it, and I feel that the ban should be expanded even more. The non-smokers are affected by the irresponisble smokers who smoke in public and make us inhale secondhand smoke which can still cause cancer.

    Yep. That's all I guess.

    And I'm really proud of our nation and happy that I'm born here.

  7. For my point of view, here are the plus and minus point.


    Singapore is a Clean & green nation to be proud of.

    Singapore is pretty safe in terms of crime rates.

    Singapore government always takes care of us as a whole.

    Singapore have very little corruption inside happening compare to other nations, although there are few cases thou.

    Singapore is a multicultural and multinational in culture.

    Singapore has a lot of food to offer and many of them are pretty delicious to try.

    Singapore's Public Transport is pretty efficient and low cost compared to many other cities in the world.

    Singapore's voting system is very clear cut and systematic.

    Singapore is one of the countries with very few natural disaster like earthquake and volcano eruption etc.

    Singapore is pretty blessed with rainbows and I seen 3 rainbows in Singapore for my past 24 years of my whole life.


    Singaporeans has not many channel to voice our views.

    Singapore has some restrictions that are still waiting to be open.

    Singapore is pretty warm and hot at all times.

    Singapore is prone to mosquitoes and flies which are nuisance in any sense.

    Other than that there are still many plus and minus which I do not state but I can think of. But as for me, I think I am doing great Singapore and the only regret for being Singaporeans is that the pricing of items in Singapore is pretty high and I may have to sort to make some purchase overseas to get what I want or even needed, thats all.


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