
Are you truly pro-choice?

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Should we abort irresponsible parents who get knocked up when they aren't ready to support a child? I'm just trying to keep things pro-choice you know. Lets give the tax payers a choice.




  1. Not so much pro-choice as pro abortion.  Your idea is alright.  I like mine, mandatory abortions and sterilizations for all humans for the next twenty years, better.  We can't talk about Palin's daughter, Scooter or Shiloh or whatever, though.  It's forbidden.

  2. Yes, absolutely Pro-Choice.  I just wish we had better choices in this election.  

    What the Pro-life nutbags don't seem to understand is that Pro Choice does not mean Pro Abortion.  It means people should be able to choose what they think is right for them, not be forced into something that someone else thinks is right for them.  Adoption is a CHOICE, Abstinence is a CHOICE, Abortion is a CHOICE.  These Pro-lifers that talk about "Freedom" yet try and impose their views on others that do not agree is hypocrisy at best.

    Personally i'd like to abort the entire US Government and start over with new players and NO LOBBYISTS

  3. Those parents should have the choice whether or not to have an abortion. It certainly shouldn't be mandatory, as that wouldn't be a choice.

  4. Yes, it's the American way.

    you should be living in north korea or iran if you want the government to run your life for you.

  5. I'm anti-abortion, Pro-Choice because we shouldn't have the boundries oh what a women can do with her unborn child, she is going to do whatever she wants anyway. Who are we to say, sorry no one is "god's soldiers"

    It's funny to me how you can be pro-life and pro-war and pro death penality at the same time?

  6. Yes.  

  7. I'm pro-life all the way--if you don't want that baby there are SO many others out there that do--adoption!~

  8. The same people that want all these choices don't think americans should be able to have guns. So you should be able to kill unborn babies since you don't want to take care of them. But you don't want us to hunt animals? Lets save the animals, who cares about the babies.

    Its funny to me how you can compare abortions to war or the death penalty. There is no similarity between these things.

  9. I am. But as a conservative democrat, i don't believe it should be handed out like door prizes at a basement party either. I'm for a woman's' right to choose, but with some restrictions. I would prefer if the father had some say in the matter. And just like for buying guns, there should be a waiting period. I think the adoption option should be stressed more, and i think there should be a limit on the number of times a woman should have one. If you're going into the clinic every five or six months to get an abortion, i think you have lost your right to make that choice. That's just my opinion.

  10. Because you gave into the strongest urge natural selection has ever forged, you should be responsible for a whiny, crying, pooping brat for the rest of your life.  

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