
Are you unhappy with the new forced my yahoo page?

by  |  earlier

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What if all of us unhappy with the new my yahoo page give our intention to leave if they don't restore our old pages.




  1. yahoo is simply uncooperative. all you can do is hit them where they live; maybe they'll get the idea.

    here is a place where you can get a hosts file replacement and painless installer which will prevent the download and appearance of yahoo (and many others') advertising:

    please tell your friends, and help many newbies.

    in the end, i honestly hope that yahoo comes to it's senses, but in lieu of that, i suppose that it should be more humane to hasten their consumption by microsoft. . .

  2. No!

    I do not like the New Yahoo. There are pop-ups everywhere.

    How do I switch back. I have tried all of the answers, and nothing works!


  3. I am very unhappy with the forced new system and find it appalling that Yahoo has ignored the wishes of so many of their customers and taken away a product that so many of us relied on and forced an undesireable, inferior product on us.  I am looking for a choice other than Yahoo and I hope many others express there dissatisfaction by doing the same.  This is the most arrogant move by an alleged customer oriented service that I have encountered.  The bottom line is they absolutely don't give a d**n!

  4. This new MY YAHOO makes me cry. I miss the old MY YAHOO.  I am on the bridge railing as I type. Goodbye YAHOO,  goodbye everybody.

  5. Hallwoman does not say HOW she switched back with no problem???  The new format is terrible.

  6. I agree.  But don't just kvetch here.  Provide SPECIFIC complaints at this address:



  8. I hate it. I went to Page Flakes.  Their themes and colors are so much better and if you don't like the ones they have you can make your own.  The themes on the new My Yahoo are all headache-inducing bright color combinations not to mention the page loads too slowly and gets "stuck" when I try to scroll down.  I will miss my old My Yahoo page.  I hope they bring it back since so many of us are leaving.

  9. I just sent a very grumpy note expressing my own disappointment with the change (and the fact that I haven't been able to read my email AT ALL today), as well as disgust for what seems to be complete disregard for the feelings and opinions of longtime customers such as myself (Yahoo is the only email provider I've ever used, and up until today I've been happy and never considered changing to anyone else...but as of today I'm seriously looking into that Gmail all my friends have been raving about!).  

    I was one of apparently many disgruntled Netflix members who wrote similar letters to their customer service office when they announced that they were shutting down their multiple-queues option, and they eventually decided not to make the change after all based on these letters.  It was a heartening moment, and renewed my loyalty to their company, but I don't know if we can expect the same from Yahoo.  As someone else around here suggested, it may be a "sinking ship", so unless I see some response from them to this situation I'm going to seriously consider abandoning this ship, and taking as many of my old emails with me (via forwarding them to my new email account?) as I can.  The only trouble is that after eight years I have a LOT of emails and other information stored in my Yahoo account...maybe they're figuring it won't be worth my trouble to change.

  10. I have done their survey over 100 times and told the how horrid it is.  I read a blog a few minutes ago that stated if you choose a new theme it is much better.  I did this and it did make the spacing etc much better but their color choices are very bad.  No one from the 70's is going to like avocado green again..........

  11. Hate the new forced My Yahoo page.

    HATE it.


  12. HONESTLY i like the new page i can keep up on all my yahoo answers modules & my favorite band QUEENSRYCHE. & i can change the color & background if i want

  13. hate it, hate it, hate it.  I want my old page back. it was there yesterday and today it is the "new" yahoo.  I emailed them but of course get no response.  The new yahoo, change apperance, does not work. It loads either a blank screen or half of the colors and you can't scroll down to see the other options.  I emailed them and said I am leaving if they don't fix it, but I don't think they care. I already signed up for g mail and am sending notices to everyone that my email has changed.  They don't have an 800 number listed to call if you want to talk to a person.   They are the worst and I think this is the straw that broke the camels back.  I am done with them.

  14. I tried the new page and did not like it. I was able to switch back to the old one with  no problems whatsoever.

  15. I don't think Yahoo believes or cares if we leave. They have a very wide ranging site here but the last year or so they have become very arrogant. The last good thing they did was make there chess site better. And that was 'cause Pogo chess made them look so ghetto.  I only use 2 sites from yahoo now. That's down from several sites+services. Besides there days are numbered and that's why they don't really give a s---!

  16. Yes very!  I probably will dump Yahoo.

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