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I want three different recipes that call for only egg YOLKS. Person who gives me the most unique recipes gets 10 POINTS good luck(:




  1. french toast, hollandaise sauce, bernaise sauce

  2. Not a challenge buy egg beaters. use them instead of eggs.

  3. Almond Chocolate Creme Brulee

    3      C             Heavy Cream

        8                    Egg Yolks

        1      C             Granulated Sugar

          1/2  C             Unsweetened Cocoa Powder -- firmly packed

          1/2  Tsp           Almond Extract

        3      Oz            Bittersweet Chocolate -- melted

          1/2  C             Almonds -- sliced

          1/4  C (+ 4 Tsp)   Brown Sugar

    1. In a medium saucepan over medium heat, heat cream until bubbles start to form around edges of pan. In a large saucepan, whisk together egg yolks, granulated sugar, and cocoa. Slowly add hot cream to yolk mixture, whisking constantly. Place over medium heat and cook, stirring constantly, 5 to 7 mins, or until mixture thickens. Temperature should be  approximately 175° to 180°F on a candy thermometer. Do not boil. Remove  from heat and add bittersweet chocolate; stir to blend well.

    2. Divide mixture evenly among 8 ovenproof 1/2-cup custard or souffle

    dishes. Sprinkle almonds over top, dividing evenly. Cover and refrigerate  6 hours or overnight. One hour before serving, place all dishes in  freezer.

    3. Just before serving, preheat boiler. Sprinkle top of each creme brulee  with 2 tsp brown sugar. Place dishes under broiler 5 to 6 inches from heat  and broil 1 1/2 to 2 mins, just to caramelize sugar. Watch carefully since  brown sugar burns easily. Serve immediately. Any leftover creme brulee can be kept in refrigerator and eaten with a day.

    Classic Hollandaise Sauce

    Makes: 1 cup

    I N G R E D I E N T S

    2 tablespoons white-wine or tarragon vinegar or fresh lemon juice

    4 tablespoons boiling water

    3 large egg yolks

    1/2 cup unsalted butter

    1/4 teaspoon cayenne

    1/2 teaspoon salt

    Melt the butter and keep it warm.  

    Heat the vinegar or lemon juice until just warmed.  Have small saucepan with boiling water and a measuring tablespoon ready.  

    Place the top of a double boiler over (not in) hot water. (This means the bottom of the top of the double boiler sound not make contact with the water heating in the bottom half of the double boiler.)

    Place the egg yolks in the top of a double boiler and whisk until they begin to thicken.   Now add 1 tablespoon of the boiling water.  Continue to beat the sauce until it begins to thicken. Repeat with the remaining water, one tablespoon at a time, beating the mixture after each addition.

    Now add the warmed vinegar or lemon juice. Remove the double boiler from the heat.   Beat the sauce briskly with a wire whisk. Continue to beat the mixture as you slowly pour in the melted butter.  Add the salt and cayenne and beat the sauce until it is thick. Serve immediately.


    All Saints and All Souls Day Bread

    Yield: 1 large bread, about 11 inches in diameter, or three small ones

    The Starter

    1 pound (4 scant cups) unbleached flour, plus extra for bowl and working surface

    ½ ounce (1¼ teaspoons) sea salt

    2 ounces (1/3 cup) sugar

    Scant 1 ounce (3 scant Tablespoons) crumbled cake yeast or 1½ scant Tablespoons

    dry yeast

    ½ cup plus 2 Tablespoons water

    3 large eggs, lightly beaten

    Put the flour, salt, sugar and yeast into a mixing bowl and gradually beat in the water and eggs. (Mexican bakers do not bother to cream the yeast, knowing that it is fresh - do it if you wish.) Continue beating until the dough forms a cohesive mass around the dough hook; it should be sticky, elastic and shiny - about 5 minutes. Turn out onto a floured board and form into a round cushion shape. Butter and flour a clean bowl. Place the dough in it and cover with greased plastic wrap and a towel and set aside in a warm place - ideally 70°F - until the dough doubles in volume, about 2 hours.

    The Final Dough

    The Starter torn into small pieces

    ½ pound (1 cup) sugar

    7 ounces (14 Tablespoons) unsalted butter, softened, plus extra for greasing baking sheets

    1 pound unbleached flour, plus extra for board and bowl

    8 egg yolks, lightly beaten with 2 Tablespoons water

    ¼ cup water, approximately

    1 teaspoon orange flower water and/or grated rind of 1 orange

    The Glaze

    4 egg yolks, lightly beaten

    ¼ cup melted unsalted butter, approximately

    1/3 cup sugar, approximately

    Liberally grease 4 baking sheets (for both breads while proofing). Put the starter, sugar and butter into a mixing bowl and mix well, gradually beating in the flour and egg yolks alternately. Beat in the water and flavoring - you should have a slightly sticky, smooth, shiny dough that just holds its shape (since eggs, flours and climates differ, you may need to reduce or increase the liquid). Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and form into a round cushion shape.

    Wash out mixing bowl, butter and flour it, and replace the dough in it. Cover with greased plastic wrap and a towel and set aside in a warm place - ideally about 70°F - for about 1½ hours, until it almost doubles in size, or set aside overnight in the bottom of the refrigerator.

    Bring the dough up to room temperature before attempting to work with it. Turn out onto a lightly floured board and divide the dough into two equal pieces. Set one aside for forming later. Take three quarters of the dough and roll it into a smooth ball. Press it out to a circle about 8 inches in diameter - it should be about 1-inch thick. Press all around the edge to form a narrow ridge - like the brim of a hat - and transfer to one of the greased baking sheets. Cover loosely with greased plastic wrap and set aside in a warm place (about 70°F) to rise about half its size - about 1 hour. Taking the remaining one-quarter of the dough, divide it into four equal parts. Roll one of the parts into a smooth ball. Roll the other 3 strips about 8 inches long, forming k***s as you go for the "bones." Transfer the four pieces to another greased tray, cover loosely with greased plastic wrap, and set aside to rise for about 1 hour.

    Repeat these steps to form the second bread with the other piece of dough that was set aside. Heat oven to 375°F.

    At the end of the rising period, carefully place the strips of dough forming the "bones" across the main part of the bread, place the round ball in the middle to form the "skull," and press your finger in hard to form the eye sockets. Brush the surface of the dough well with the beaten yolks and bake at the top of the oven until well browned and springy - about 15 to 20 minutes. Turn off the oven, open the door, and let the bread sit there for about 5 minutes more. Remove from the oven, brush with melted butter, and sprinkle well with sugar.

  4. Eggnog Ice Cream


    8 egg yolks

    2 cups heavy cream

    1 cup half-and-half

    3/4 cup sugar, plus

    2 tablespoons sugar

    1 pinch salt

    1 vanilla bean, split

    1/2 cup brandy

    1/2 cup dark rum

    1 tablespoon vanilla extract

    fresh grated nutmeg


    Lightly beat egg yolks in a 2-quart, noncorrosive, stainless steel saucepan.

    Add 1 cup of the heavy cream, the half-and-half, the sugar and the salt to the beaten yolks and mix well.

    Add the vanilla bean.

    Set the saucepan over medium heat and stir the custard frequently until it thickens enough to coat the back of a spoon (about 180 degrees).

    Immediately remove the saucepan from the heat and strain the mixture through a fine strainer into a medium bowl and set over ice.

    Add the vanilla extract and nutmeg.

    Add brandy to the saucepan and heat over moderate heat until reduced by half.

    Add the reduced brandy to the custard with the remaining heavy cream and dark rum.

    Stir together.

    Refrigerate for several hours or overnight.

    Freeze in an icecream freezer according to the manufactures directions.

    Makes 1 quart.

    Coconut Custard Ricotta Pie


    2 lbs whole milk ricotta cheese

    1 cup sugar

    5 egg yolks

    1 cup shredded coconut

    1 teaspoon vanilla

    1 10-inch pie shell

    Preheat oven to 400*.

    Combine cheese, sugar, egg yolks, coconut and vanilla and blend well.

    Pour into prepared pie crust.

    Bake for 20 minutes at 400*, then reduce heat to 350* and bake for another 35-40 minutes.

    Let pie cool at least one hour before serving

    Raviolo with Egg Yolk Truffle Butter


    Serves 4

    1 bunch spinach, washed well and dried

    3 1/2 tablespoons unsalted butter

    1/2 cup fresh ricotta cheese

    3 ounces freshly grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese

    4 large egg yolks

    Pinch of freshly grated nutmeg

    Freshly ground white pepper

    Coarse salt

    Pasta Dough

    2 ounces white truffles, shaved (optional


    Place spinach in a steamer basket set over simmering water. Cook until spinach is wilted; drain. Heat butter in a medium skillet over medium-high heat. Add spinach and cook until coated with butter, about 2 minutes. Let cool completely.

    Finely chop spinach and add to a medium bowl along with ricotta, and half the Parmesan cheese. Season with nutmeg, white pepper, and salt. Stir to combine. Transfer filling mixture to a pastry bag fitted with a 1/2-inch round plain tip; set aside.

    Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Set the rollers of a hand-cranked or electric pasta machine at their widest opening. Flatten dough with the palms of your hands; dust lightly with flour. Roll dough through widest setting. Keep rolling dough through the machine on decreasing settings until you have rolled it through the first six settings. Cut dough in half crosswise.

    Lay one piece of dough flat on work surface. Using a 2-inch round cutter, gently mark 4 circles in dough, about 5 inches apart. Using circle as a guide, pipe filling around each circle and continue piping to form a 1-inch high edge. Place 1 egg yolk in the center of each circle; season with salt and white pepper. Brush a little cold water around filling and gently place remaining piece of dough over filling and yolks to cover. Gently press edges together to seal, eliminating as much air as possible. Center a 4-inch fluted round cutter around filling and cut each raviolo.

    Add salt to boiling water and return to boil. Gently transfer ravioli to boiling water and cook for 2 minutes. Meanwhile, place butter in a small saucepan over medium-high heat. Cook until melted and lightly browned. Drain ravioli and divide among 4 serving plates. Pour over browned butter and garnish with remaining cheese and shaved truffles, if desired.

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