
Are you upset at anything/anybody?

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With all these people able to leave the Penguins, and all the people that ARE leaving - i'm getting kind of upset. I'm aware the team isn't going to stay the same for years and year.. But I never wanted Malone or Roberts to leave my teamm. =(

Is there anything that's occurring recently that's upsetting you about your team? Players leaving, a draft pick choce, ect. ect.?




  1. Why Roberts Why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    Hossa, you backstabbed us too!!!

  2. i am upset that it is taking so long for Scotty and Teemu to decide!  and whatever Henry Samueli!

  3. Unlike most ice hockey fans, I live in the sun belt and just like the quality of the players.  How can you know a guys goofy and shake hands without a lot "trash talk."  My personal opinion as someone who has learned the game in front of a TV is that the NHL has a terrific product.  If the players will hold off on their threat of another walkout, I think the TV audience will grow in the sun belt.  That is key the league.  In fact, I think Gretzky was sent to L.A. Kings many years ago to stimulate the sunshine audience. I like the Red Wings and the Pens due to Scott Bowman.  What a guy: he only skated with the Cup in his last coaching year.  I think Scott love the game so much. The thing about it is that I don't know if he ever spent a season in the NHL.  The Pens cannot afford to bid for an old timer like Roberts.  I just hope they can lock up their "young guns" to longer term contracts.  Last: I think TV with high definition and big screen will make the puck easier for the "half-steppers" like me to follow.  You people have a great sport and your Pens have the world in front of them.

  4. So far with the Panthers I am not upset about anything that much. I knew Olli was leaving and he went on Draft day. We got two players that I am cool with. The only thing I felt we should have gotten a first round pick as well but they only got a second round. So we had no first round picks at all. But We will see. New coach I will give a Chance and am waiting to see how everything shapes up this coming season

  5. yeah same as you. i understand roberts is old and is ready to retire but he isnt playing like that. he was awesome for us this year (except for when he broke his foot) but he was not playing his age. malone though i think should stay. he is a great asset to our team and i dont want him to go anywhere. i think he belongs in Pittsburgh. he was born and raised here.

  6. I'm PO'ed at the people who keep saying Malkin is leaving. He's not!!! It seems like every other day, some person or another is saying that he's leaving on the next ship to Russia, but he says that the last thing he wants to do is leave the 'Burgh. All I have to say is, LEAVE GENO ALONE!!!!

  7. the last few years free agency periods have sucked for nj

  8. i am upset that avery most likley won't play for the rangers next year. i hope that him and his agent can make a compromise with slather and he ends up back with the rangers. i don't know what is gonna happen i just hope that he plays for the rangers next year

  9. I guess if I had to be upset with something it would be the outrageous gas prices.  Other than that I'm HAPPY :)

  10. yes i am upset that Jamal mayers is leaving after 10 seasons with the blues

  11. nope stuff like that happens why on earth would you be upset its whatevers the best for your team.?

  12. Just that Malone and Roberts are leaving and the STUPID GENO rUmOrS ha ha i just hope they are gonna do fine where ever they are and that they have the best of luck with them

  13. I wish the Flyers found a way to keep Umberger, but the situation is one where they had to shed some salary to sign Carter, Jones, and a decent FA.

    I was very attached to the Flyers Stanley Cup winning teams. In fact, the Pens and Flyers made a swap that saw Schultz, Lonsberry, and Van Impe (if I'm not mistaken) leave Philly and the Flyers getting Gary Innes.

    I was more broken up about that than breaking up with my girlfriend Cheryl at the time.

  14. Just the fact that 50 million isn't good enough for 7 years for a certain player. That is a serious WTF!

    Also how we have 14 UFA and not 1 has been signed yet.

    Also, how we basicly told Malone to go F$&% off... bad move.

  15. Yeah Killswitch beat me to it.

    Hossa is really pissing me off. We traded away so many future greats for him and he won't even resign? He said he'd take less money to play on a good team, and apparently $50 million isn't enough?

  16. No, all those players already left

    The only thing I'm a little upset about is that the Sabres didn't get rid of Afinogenov. Darcy said there is still a chance that he will get traded, so there's still hope.

  17. na, i was kind of pissed that the caps werent signin the people they need to re-sign until Leonsis came out and said "its not the team thats holding negotiations up its the agents, they like to use the July 1st ddeadline as a bargaining tool."  I trust him i know they are trying to get them back and i know they arent gona sign anybody more than they need

  18. NO every thing is OK with the red wings== they will stay the same  for next 2or 3 yrs

  19. I'd REALLY like to see the Bruins re-sign Metropolit and sign Hossa. thats it really.

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