
Are you using email instead of making phone calls? ?

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Are you using email instead of making phone calls? ?




  1. I don't too much like talking on the phone.

  2. Oh Yeah.  I think a lot of people do.  

  3. What's a phone call????

  4. Yeah, I usually do.  

  5. Sometimes a phone call gets quicker results, so yes I sometimes phone.

    Not when I'm held in queue after queue though.

  6. no.. i text


  7. no i talk to my boyfriend on the phone every night  

  8. When i do a transaction with items i use the phone,i pretty much use the phone it'e easy and i have free long distance.

  9. I am an avid texter. I hate talking on the phone.

    I will also use MySpace...but good ol' fashioned email seems to now be outdated.  funny how that goes...

  10. Yes I am but I still use the phone for a lot of things but sending an e-mail is quicker.

  11. yes. I will e-mail you if you like.

  12. sometimes

  13. Nope, nothin' compares to hearing my voice.

    "Tra la la la"

  14. For the most part I still make calls rather than using email..

    Calls are far more personal ..

  15. naa e-mailing is boring

  16. nope, and i never call anybody i just txt! easier and funner.

  17. I do to my friends because its easier, but to my girlfriend i don't because i like to hear her voice

  18. Most of the time I do unless it's necessary for me to call

  19. Definately! It's a h**l of lot cheaper, especially when calling the in-laws in the USA, at 5p a minute... that woman never gets off the phone!  

  20. I'm Texting inTexas

  21. yep, either email or IM

  22. no...

  23. Yes

  24. yes all the time

  25. Sometimes that's the only way I can get through to someone because some people check emails before they will answer a phone call.  It's easier to conversate for some people through email and text messaging, rather than talk directly to that person.  But I have discovered that texting can be a very expensive convenience.


  27. Sadly, yes. I now fear the phone. =(

  28. i rather call the person on the phone  

  29. I text most of the time, but talk to my husband or a few friends for real on the phone, mostly my cell phone. I use e-mail on occasion, not that much.

  30. i'm using text message instead of phone calls

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