
Are you voting for John McCain because...?

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He's in poor health and may not be around to run for president again?




  1. yes i am

  2. Poor health my ***..

    I'm voting for McCain because he's the best one running.

  3. nope,

    IM voting for him cause obama is a wako!!!!

    i think you should do the same

  4. His doctor and many other have said there is no reason why he shouldnt be able to fill his post for 2 terms but I would worry about Obama if I were you, here is a 47 year old man that submitted a ONE page medical report...even if he went in yearly like he should have he would have more than a ONE page report. Obama did street drugs that will affect your brain, he is a smoker, and cancer runs in his family. So, why is he hiding his medical report, McCain submitted over 1100 pages.  

  5. "He's in poor health"?  He's 72 and has the energy to run around and give speeches, rally, and be senator all day.

    His age bothering you?  His mom is still alive and in good health too.

    And if he dies, we get the hottest president ever.

  6. I'm voting for him to keep the most liberal man on the ticket out of the office of the Presidency ... and so that Governor Palin can be trained how to be the 1st female President.

  7. No, I'm voting for him because there is no other real choice!!

  8. No I will not. I'm really worried about his age. I'm trying to be realistic here.Then we'll be left with a beauty pageant/hockey mom for prez? That is really scary!!

  9. The real concern is dementia and alzheimer's disease at his age.  Remember Ronnie Reagan began to loose his mind and Nancy covered up for his lapses.  Think about voting for someone that old. My grandma isn't that old.

  10. Ummm No.... He is not a Liberal.. That is reason enough...

  11. No. I'm voting for him because Obama is a socialist moron who is persistent in crashing the economy.

  12. voting McCain because he is a fine man and will be a great President.

  13. What a ridiculous question.  NOT ONE PERSON would do that.

    We are voting for him because he is a MUCH better candidate on policies.

    We are also voting for him because Obama is a racist (he admits it and spells it out in his own first book) and is a socialist (his voting record proves this).  And his speech in Germany was anti-American...if the Germans want him so much, they can have him.

    Romare...Palin is more capable of becoming president if something happens to McCain than Obama is if elected.  Face it, both McCain and Palin are more qualified and experienced than Obama.

    McOldie...One of my neighbors is 86 and the other is 84.  Both are VERY healthy and both are VERY mentally capable.  Basing a vote on what MIGHT happen like that is really pathetic.  That is why we have a VP.  And considering that Palin is more qualified and more experienced than Obama, I think she was a good choice.  I look forward to a McCain/Palin admin.  Then I look forward to President Palin in 2012.

  14. I'm voting for McCain because I am an idiot.  

  15. I hope not, because he made a very weak choice for his running mate--not someone who is remotely able to take over the presidency if something should happen to him.

    John McCain put the former mayor of a town of 7,000 with zero foreign policy experience a heartbeat away from the presidency. Governor Palin shares John McCain's commitment to overturning Roe v. Wade, the agenda of Big Oil and continuing George Bush's failed economic policies -- that's not the change we need, it's just more of the same.

    And apparently McCain feels that this choice will attract Hillary voters, which seems to imply that he thinks all women candidates are the same and women voters are dumb enough to believe that. It's insulting and patronizing.

    IIt's kind of funny that the same people who have been criticizing Obama for lack of experience think Sarah Palin is a great choice.

  16. i am wondering if that would be a good idea..So that way the next guy to step up after his term will be ron paul but then again that means we would have that lady with no experience in there

  17. I'm not voting for John Mccain

  18. He's in good health and from a family with a history of long life spans whereas Obama's family tends to die in their late forties to early fifties.

    I'm voting for McCain because:

    - I'm not a racist

    - I'm not an ultra-liberal (near communist)

    - I'm pro individual rights

    - I want change in Washington

    - McCain has a much higher level of personal integrity then Obama

    - McCain has been in the military

    - McCain's long record of opposing corruption

    - Obama has too many signs of early Alzheimer's onset

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