
Are you voting for Obama because it's Obama, or because of a more experienced VP mate?

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Are you voting for Obama because it's Obama, or because of a more experienced VP mate?




  1. I'm voting for McCain,because even Biden know's he's more qualified then Obama.

    Biden, on a post-debate appearance on MSNBC, October 30, 2007: “The only guy on the other side who’s qualified is John McCain.”

  2. Both.  Having originally been a Hillary supporter, the choice of Biden helps wrap up some loose ends regarding my vote this Nov.

  3. VOting Against MCCAIN... A man who supports the IRAQ war and still thinks it is a Fantastic idea, Cheated on  his wife, and is clueless about certain MONEY matters. Would you vote for JOHN EDWARDS if he was a war hero?

  4. I will vote for Obama because he is Obama.  I never vote for who they pick for VP.  

  5. Yes and No.

    Net Neutrality is his key selling points for me. I pay enough for internet access as it is. We would be all have to pay more for less speed and access under Hillary or McCain both have taken the Telecoms money.

  6. yes.. and I can convert to Muslim

    Hussein Osama 08!

  7. Because its Obama. We deserve better America than what we have now.

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