
Are you wanting to change?? Don't know how??

by  |  earlier

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Here is what I suggest, it's been a pretty big hit here on Y! Answers when I suggested it to some people...

Take a bath, the hottest bath you've EVER taken, you don't even have to turn on the cold water so long as it doesn't scald your skin or anything.

Close your eyes and lean your head back, and just relax and sit there.

When your ready to begin washing yourself, VISUALIZE that your doing so, you don't have to wash yourself "in real life".

Once you have visualized that you've washed all your bad past experiences off, your image, whatever you don't want, make sure you "wash it off", once you have done so, pull the drain. Sit back, (I chose the fetal position) and watch all the dirty bad experiences and whatever you washed off float down into the drain.

Once you get out of the bath, clean yourself off with a towel, you don't have to be your old self anymore, because NOW is the time to change.

This, WORKS. As I've said, I did it for myself, it's worth a shot...




  1. As a matter of fact I'm going to take a shower in just a few minutes and I think I'll try this, God knows I need it. Thank you for sharing I've been wanting to change my ways but its just so hard. I'll let you know how it goes. Take care hun.


    lol, Yes I had to improvise because I don't have a bathtub at the moment.

  2. wow, thanks for that.

  3. You've rediscovered a thousands of years old form of transcendental meditation!

  4. I do this quite a lot it is very relaxing and does inspire you to change. I also find it calms my mood if i've had a bad day or something :-)

  5. Hottest bath?You want my skin to peel off and in that way,I will be changed completely,isnt it?Thanks.I dont want my xxxxx to get burnt.

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