
Are you watching Britains Biggest Babies?

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  1. nope, what channel?

  2. I can only say OH MY GOD.  

  3. I love fat babies.

  4. it was on itv1 the otha day  

  5. It makes me glad I dont have a v****a....that was an answer I didnt expect to write tonight.

  6. Oh I watched it tonight and I can honestly say I am sickened and saddened that this is what our country is becoming. The stress these women put medical staff under, not to mention themselves and their unborn babies and soon to be children who will no doubt follow in their footsteps.

    The one who was feeding her baby fish suppers - I actually wanted to smash the tv up!!!!! arghhhh!!

    I actually think these women have lack of self control and can do something about it they are just too lazy to do it! One was saying she doesnt want her kid getting bullied, yet she will gladly stuff his face with processed thomas the tank engine spaghetti and processed chicken nuggets! She can put a stop to that easily!!! It is really sad for the kids and the babies who end up distressed when they are born.

    One of the women who was giving birth actually sickened me, I looked at her on that hospital bed and I thought "I will NEVER be you" because that programme was enough to make me never eat anything containing sugar or fat again!!!

  7. Nope, what channel is it on? And lol to the post above!!!

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