
Are you what you say you are?

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At what point would you allow another person to judge?




  1. We say what we perceive ourselves to be. They can judge all they want, I'll still be myself with faults and qualities

  2. nope

    i think iam, but im not what i think i am

    put there self in my shoes

  3. I am actually tow in one.  One that is the friend, lover, and truthful person.  

    The other is one that can take a story and tell you a yarn so full of imagination and glory, he ors and worlds beyond.

    As to what point I would allow another person to judge?  Is that me,

    each day, each time someone meets or greets me they judge me in so way or form, what I look like, who I am, etc., even those that are talking about me now to another, they are stating judgments I have no idea about.  So at any given moment I am judged and nothing can deter that.  Its just that judging me is usually something you will find is wrong or mis-characterized.   So, what I don't know, doesn't hurt me does it.  Judge all you want....but be careful for you may be judged just as harshly or lovingly.

  4. NO....well kind of. I tell them most of the truth. But I just don't tell them the rest of the things about me. Just because I want to keep them to myself. My best friend clams to know about me. But truly there is a lot she doesn't know. I just don't tell her or anyone else.

  5. ...not really...any time...just don't judge me...

  6. what do you think, depend on the motives of the person, to disagree ,is to a certain extent, to judge, is it not

  7. Q1-That depends on how much sales training I have had, or if i am a minister. Ministers are sales people with a more sophisticated racket.

  8. I'm whatever you want me to be, baby.

  9. Yes, I am what I say I am. Wow, I feel like "Popeye, the sailor".

    I do not allow others to judge, accept me or  let me alone.

  10. I didn't used to be. I get a little annoyed by other people's judgments sometimes. But they've helped me accept myself for who I am.

  11. I think I am, therefore I am, therefore I must be, I think. I am whatever I say I am, and who is anyone else to judge?

  12. Most of us aren't even who we think we are,

    much less what we're willing to admit to.

    An important function of friends is to 'hold up the mirror'

    and keep us reasonably self aware.

    You listen to that "another person" carefully, and if

    he has a point, you accept it.

  13. I dun say what i am is 2 see what i am to tell the whole world. at all points cos i am not a dog pple so what's there to be afraid of being judge. is the same i alway say pple is dog cos they are really a dog pple. let pple judge u is better than i judge myself becos i always lie whatsoever to myself. hee hee...

    same like judge once says before, if u have done nothing wrongfully, there is nothing u should be afraid of......even it is your ricebowl of your life. hahaa......

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