
Are you whiter than white?

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Are you whiter than white?




  1. no i have a nice tan so I'm told ~~~

  2. Certainly NOT!!

    Life's more fun with Colour!!

  3. i'm no snow white but a lot whiter than most I know

  4. Are any of us?

  5. when i stay days with out food *because i dont want to be fat *

    i turn to yellow white

    and sometimes gray white

    and sometimes i turn like wax

  6. What am i a washing powder.

  7. well if your talkin bout skin no im tan but if your talkin bout sometin else i have no idea wot your saying

  8. My skin is but i'm not so innocent.

  9. Are you obsessed with color metaphor-based questions?

  10. As pure as the driven snow

  11. No, feel a bit off at times.

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