
Are you willing to bleed for your country?

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The US continually becomes more and more corrupt. The Middle class is disappearing. Our rights are infringed on, and the wants and needs of the American people are ignored. Are you willing to die for your country, are you willing to lose loved ones for freedom. So, that future generations will live with peace, equality, and freedom. If the people aren't then there is nothing left for which to fight. The American people need to flex their muscle, remind the politicians and the rich, why they are so blessed, and who lets them continue to exist.




  1. It won't work anymore. Too many Americans are caught up in the current of modern day society, in which, everyone has to keep in line in order to keep everything together. Not a lot of Americans can afford to protest. Look at everything around you, the government weaved everything so tightly that no one can escape. Housing, we have to work in order to keep our homes. Health care, we have to keep working in order to keep healthy. Education, many have to keep working in order to pay for our college education. Family, we have to keep working to feed our families. The only choice that would have the most benefits, housing, education, and health care, would have to be to join the military.

  2. I did!



  3. I did my time for the country and I would do it again if need be, but I really think that the american people need to get new people to run the gov. because the ones in there now haven't got a clue what they are doing, but if you are not rich, you will never get into office, it seems to be for the rich only, the little guy dosen't stand a chance, maybe some day that will change, but I don't think that I will live long enough to see it.

  4. I thought it was interesting that France did this over time off last year. We are way too complacent.

  5. Maybe I do it because I want my family to be safe. My brothers in arms give everyone the right to change the things they don't like about this country. Not just sitting around bashing it. people should try getting involved with there local government and getting things changing

  6. I would indeed be willing to bleed for "my Country".   Where I differ with most cons (short for conservative/convict - take your pick) is in defining my "Country".  My definition of my "Country" is not Wal-mart, Exxon, Chevron, World-Con, Enron, Black-Water, Haliburton, double-standards, hypocrisy, monopolistic corporatism,  hierarchies, fascism, empirealism, dictatorship, deception of the people, or Neo-Conservatism.  

    Is that America any of you learned about in school?  

    So to answer the question, I would die for my country, if we still had a country.  Fascism is unfortunately here to stay for a long while, because relatively few people have even the slightest clue of what's going on and they're entirely too lazy to get informed or involved.  Sad but true.

  7. I already went through this kind of proposition during several other wars.  I suffered and bled for my country and it got me far.  They send me through college.  They gave me the opportunity to run for Congress...I lost.  I became a business executive in a very large firm and made a great deal of money.  I am free to speak and say whatever I please.  I can scream at O'Reilly on TV and no one stops me. Can I bleed more.  I would if I had more blood flowing through my veins. I love America even though it has proven to be one of the dumbest countries in the entire world.

  8. been there, done that.

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