
Are you willing to rebuilt New Orleans again?

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I contributed to Habitat For Humanity to help rebuild New Orleans after Katrina. I am just not sure it would be a good idea to do it again with global temperature changing because that means that every time a storm hits New Orleans, nature is closer to reclaiming it as a flood plain. What is your opinion.




  1. Don't know where you live, but,,,,do you have recurring tornados, wildfires, earthquakes, storms that leave you flooded ? Answer your own question.

  2. That city has a certain energy which doesn't happen anywhere else. If it is destroyed thousands of times, rebuilding is still a very good idea.

  3. If Japan can build skycrapers that can withstand frequent earthquakes how come we cant make buildings and houses that can withstand frequent floodings hurricanes?

    You would think that when we rebuilt New Orleans that we wouldve put more flood/hurricane proofing in place.  But I guess not.

  4. What a wonderful thing you did to help that community!  My husband and some friends went to New Orleans to help out as well; but they, like you agree that it is foolish to just rebuild in an area that is already doomed.  The poor people that buy again in that area will loose their homes and we'll have to pay again.

  5. Love helping those in need

  6. Yes, I think New Orleans should be rebuilt. It's good that your helping!

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