
Are you wondering whats next?

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Are you wondering whats next?




  1. As a matter of fact, I am.  Going to have to clear my mind of the "what's next" syndrome.

    What's next is just another decision I'm going to have to make that I really don't want to.

    I'm going to have to back up a few steps and remind myself to live life one minute at a time.  

    What's next may be fine for other's, but I don't want it.

  2. Yes I certainly am. But whatever it is, I'll handle it. That question used to scare me to death until I busted up my spine 7 yrs. ago. I survived that and now I have decided not to dread what's next like I used to. Now I say "Bring it baby! I could use a good laugh or a good challenge" And if it's painful,physically or emotionally,"Bring it baby! I got what it takes! I'll deal with it and move on." It took a lot of work to get to this point but it was worth it. You start off by conciously deciding that you can handle it. Every time that little voice says "What's next?" you answer by saying "Don't matter. I got this far and I can handle anything you got!" Say it enough and you'll begin to believe. Then, as time passes, you'll notice your anxiety level get way way low. Simple yet effective.

  3. Yeah PS: do I have to be specific?

  4. no cuz its bed time for me :P

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