
Are you working enough?

by  |  earlier

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Couldn't you be working MORE?

It's up to you. I work less than 30 hours per week, but I think YOU need to work more --or at least SPEND more-- don't you?




  1. i think 30 hours is good, 35 is a world average or european average at least. I like that better than 40, and i'd like 3 days off, this is my life and i don't get summers off, i dont even get vacation. I don't need to work more or spend more, sounds to me like the feds are trying to boost the economy and you're thier tool along with the media. I studied PR and it seems all news was written by people like me trying to sell something or push a political agenda. In short don't watch the news.

  2. I'm at work right now, it sucks. My wife is spending my money at home.

  3. The air is fine here daddy-o ,work on your own groove . Peace!

  4. My problem isn't with work it's with pay. Illegal alien competition has drug my income down substantially. I make less now than I did ten years ago. In dollars unadjusted for inflation.

  5. Enough and have a good night sleep.

    Can't take all those money back when leaving with time.

    Ever wonder why leave it for the children and still get kick on the butts during old age?

    When they too have their own two hands out there.

    Enough to enjoy life and live a little bit longer.

    Provived not surviving and run out of batteries.

  6. Thanks for the intelligent question "S**t@ss", and may I commend you on such a creative says a LOT about you!

    But I am a fisherman, and a single Dad, so I work enough already....but giving to charity and doing volunteer work is something I will consider in the future.

  7. I don't have a job.

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