
Are you worried about the economy?

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What do you think of the economic situation right now? Are you worried or do you have a positive feeling about the future? How long is the current downturn going to last.




  1. Not Overly. I have an "Idea" that a good "portion" of Our Current unhappiness about the way things are GOING in this Country- is because so many people are disgusted with How the Bush Administration turned out. I think people are going to feel alot BETTER about things- AFTER the Election settles WHO's going to be Our next President... -If only because there will no longer be the constant threat of WAR hanging over Us ...  American's are TIRED of being "Afraid" of what Bush is going to do- next !!!  :(

  2. If we can get over worrying about how much "stuff" we can accumulate and begin to value things that have real value--like family, friends, and our responsibility to others--we will be all right.  If we panic over not having enough "stuff", then we could be in trouble.

  3. Yes. I am concerned. I think America's got so many things broken and congress isn't getting anything done. I think we are going to see a war in the Middle East within 5 months. I would not be surprised to see a civil unrest in America at some point in our relatively near future.

  4. I am not worried.  The US has an unemployment rate of 5.5%, which pales in comparison to the peak rate in the 1980s of 10.8%.  People may have to give up their SUVs, $4 lattes, 400" Plasma TVs, and gym memberships, but I think we will survive.  I think we should be more concerned about the poverty inside out inner-cities, just outside our borders, and across the globe.  In Haiti, children not already sold to slave workshops resort to eating "mudpies" made of dirt and a little bit of lard.  I visited Peru this past March.  The kids there would like some food, a roof, and to not have one of their relatives die every few months.  This "recession" (if you could even call it that) will not last more than 4 years.

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