
Are you worried about who will be out new President?

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Are you worried about who will be out new President?




  1. no cos its nt my country

  2. No because i know how will be the new one

    He is Gamal Mubarak the Son of Mohamed Husnie Mubarak

  3. yes, I don't want another Bush!

  4. I'm close to flipping out everyday!

    I'm scared it'll just be the same thing as it is now... *cough*McCain*cough*

  5. Yes, I do, our next President will better our country or keep  going down the road to disaster for the American people and our way of life. this have nothing to do with Republicans or Democrats or black or whites, it have to do who will go in to office thinking about the American people, our Nation and our way of life. Changes have to come but to better our citizens and not the great interest and foreign government or foreign citizens in this case illegal immigrants. If our next President go in thinking about amnesty, thinking about free trade, China, Mexico and by doing all of these, the American people keep losing, then naturally that we all have to be worry. i think that both candidates are thinking more about the outside and less about the American people and that is a shame.

  6. I am worried.

    McCain is a little too much into the war aspect, and Obama is a super liberal that stands for everything I am not for.  

    Any person that says "Americans should learn Spanish" won't be getting my vote.  My neighbor was killed by an illegal immigrant that didn't speak an ounce of English.  

    In short, we managed to pick two people that are far to radical.  I am a Republican and am sad to admit that I'd rather have Hillary in office than either of the two current candidates.

  7. I dont think it really matters who becomes the new president because whoever it is that gets elected will just be a puppet for the real powers behind the scenes. The Illuminati rule the world they control the money, our system has become a farce. We are being lied to and we are living as indentured servants to the powers that control the money this is no longer a free country nothing is free we all have work to survive and we are at the point that we cant even keep up any more with two people in the household earning income.

  8. Yes.

  9. Yes!!!

    Bring Back A.K.AZAD

    NonAlignment was ALWAYS our Indian POLCY and theBJP are trying WHAT???

  10. Yes, I am worry about the next American president would start  the fourth world war

  11. worried 25% considering Mc Cain as the winner.But sure 75% that Obama will be the new president!

    Good luck.

  12. I definitely am.  The two choices that we have are two extremists and, in my opinion, neither one is good enough for the job.  Why must we choose between only 2 people....and a 3rd party that will never win an election to save a life?  Why can't we have another person in the picture?  Either way it goes, someone has to get in and clean up the mess that Bush has made and that will take time.  So either we will keep heading downhill, we possible start to stabilize, or we will get nuked.

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