
Are young AFL footy players being paid to much??

by Guest63075  |  earlier

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for example, a 17 year old just joined the crows an his going form $10 pocket money a week to around $50 000 a year.

Can they Handle having this much money??

this is for school please can i have your opinions




  1. how do u know it was $10 pocket money???

    lol naa umm the reason players pay their youngsters money is so they dont leave and become a star in another club like nathan buckly.

    you wouldnt want to see rhys palmer move from freo coz he wasnt getting paid much and become like a brownlow medalist would u?????? youngsters are the heart of the club!

  2. Chris Judd was around 1 million $ but maybe 50,000 could be a bit much for a 17 year old but maybe if he used it right then it would help him in university.

  3. Its not so much how big their pay packet is but the amount of free time on their hands to spend it they need to have some strict curfews in place during the season.

  4. I am really glad you asked this question. That is an awful lot of money all of a sudden! I think that you have a very good point, and what does a person who still hasn't reached full maturity do with that amount of money? Is this just something that feeds the footy drug culture?

    We all know how much the AFL has changed and that it is now operated as a profitable business, and the responsibility of the players is much greater than it ever used to be. Not only do they practice and play but they also have roles as ambassadors for various things as well as other club responsibilities. The players are also under constant scrutiny by the general public and by the media, so really it is a full time job.

    In some ways it is great that players can do what they love and recieve an income for it, but in other ways it's sad that it's no longer just played for the love of the game. Looking at these points, I really can't come up with a satisfactory answer to your question, but I hope that what I have said helps you to reach a satisfactory explanation of your own.

  5. It doesn't matter how old they are. Football is a job, they should be paid for there skill and ability not their age.

  6. **Yes, I do think that young AFL players are being paid too much.

    It's not many kids that would go straight from school to that kind of money, and for a player who has a good chance of not even playing a senior match in his first year, it's too much.

    I think you'll find that the clubs have finanical advisers for the players, to help them manage their money and show them how to invest their money so that they don't just waste it.

    They also are encouraged to do further studies or get a job to give them something else in their life to keep them busy when they're not playing or training etc.

    Hope this helps.**

  7. No, footy is their career. It's like a young accountant or teacher being paid that amount. Their lives are centered around their footy careers, and they have to dedicate most of their time to training, or club commitments. Some of them also end up giving up their privacy, as they get under the public spotlight.

  8. I agree that 50000 isn't terribly much per year. I think it depends on the personality of the player. Chris Judd's on a lot of money, as were Hird, Buckley, and so on, and they never got into any trouble from it. It seems to be more of a problem in rugby league, but I'm not sure why. Maybe something about Sydney, though Swannies players never seem to do much wrong. So it's probably a combination of the personality of the player, their upbringing, and the culture of the club.

  9. yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...

  10. well they might be pretty overwhelmed if they are suddenly receiving so much money than what they are used to, however footy is now their career and it's similar to a 17 yr old doing a trade job and receiving alot of money per year all of a sudden.  MEH.

  11. It's probably around the mark, 2001 players who were picked up in the draft and on the base payment were on $37,000 per year plus 2000 per game. (fact)

    i can remember when the highest paid player was on $1,000 per game, Leigh Mathews, back in the 70's, what about the massive trade of Johnny Pitura from south melb to Richmond in 1974???,  it cost Richmond $35,000 and 3 players, whale Robert, Francis Jackson and Graeme Teasdale (who went on to win a brownlow, (many wouldn't of heard of Pitura) that was huge money in them days.

    In 30 yrs time when  most of us older blokes are gone, you younger ones will be saying the same thing, remember when so and so was on 3 million for 3 years,  it will be 10 million by then.

  12. They should be able to handle it... being young they still have their parents guidance and they don't need to make any serious decisions about and with the money

    It is also a good experience for them

  13. Whether they can handle it or not I guess goes back firstly to parents influence and also the mentoring programmes and team culture within each individual club. However given the short term lifespan of a present AFL player, the hours required for training, what these young kids give up in terms of social life and delaying or skipping education and the limited possibility they will become one of the premium players I certainly think the amount is reasonable.

  14. I see where you are coming from here. From  $10 to $50K is a huge jump. I think a lot of the clubs these days have alot of advisors available for the younger guys so they don't end up with nothing. It would also depend on the parents influence, though with young guys having to move inerstate away from their parents this could be a problem!!

    I have a 17year old nephew and I would hate to see him with $900 each week!

  15. 50,000 is not that much really

  16. nah, it just depends on the economey and the price of the game, afl is going up, means more profit, hence more money, they'll be getting 100000, in a couple on years, casue afl, is getting alot of support lately, and more attention than before from the public.20 yrs ago they used to 30000and below, for top players, so nothing new ;)

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