
Are young children suceptable to spirits or angelic beings? What is your thought on this subject? Thanks?

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my 2 year old nephew says he sees an angel named Abby, and his father who was killed tragically by a gun shot to the head while holding this ( his) child. This was not a suicide.




  1. Well, according to hearsay, this is entirely possible. Supposedly (young children especially) children sometimes see these spirits. Especially his father. Did he tell you who Abby is?

    On the other hand, seeing your father take a gun shot to the head can upset you (needless to say). Maybe it's just trama.

    But who then (again), is Abby?

  2. i guess some people are born with psychic abilities. dont get mad about it, kids are honest by nature, so try to encourage that he be open about the things he sees. but also encourage that they dont get sooo involved with those kinds of subjects, it can be all consuming.

  3. I think children are more susceptible to attributing what they see to angelic beings or spirits.

    A 2 year old isn't capable of understanding what is in his head and what is real.  Both are truth to him.  He has no trouble bringing this angel into his real life and if seeing this brings him comfort, I'd just let it be.

  4. I think so. I'm a fan of Sylvia Browne and she has written many books on this subject.

    Sylvia would probably say that the angel is his spirit guide and he probably sees his father all the time.

    Ask him more questions about who he is seeing and you'll probably get some surprising answers!

  5. children tend to have more of a psychic ability to see things because they have not fully developed to make excuses for things. Don't make him feel ashamed just leave it be thats something to appreciate,obvioulsy he is not frightened by this so just go along with it. Good Luck.

  6. I believe that children are more sensitive to spirits for some reason. I believe that my son, when he was 3, saw a spirit (probably my uncle) who was invisible to me.

  7. All that I will say to you is that if you believe in angels, you also have to believe in demons....

    I believe in both, although I have never seen either face to face..

    I have had encounters with people, that afterwards I have had the sensation, that something more was involved than showed on the surface.....

    And a child would be more susceptible because they are more trusting.....

  8. I think we are all born with this ability but are "learned" out of it.  Children haven't been taught to be cynical yet -- I don't think children can be cynical -- so they are still open to these gifts from God.  I think we can all partake of these gifts from God if we think more with our hearts than our minds.

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