
Are young people registering to vote? Do you realize....?

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that the debt left behind to pay for this war and for vets returning home etc.YOU the young will be paying for, for the rest of your lives.

The sins of the father are paid by the children....

Listen, watch and vote!!




  1. Heh heh, well that's their problem! I'm outta the white house in four months and then I'm gonna retire to my Texas ranch.

  2. Educate yourselves. Even You Tube will steer you to the right places.  Check out and look at what they did OUTSIDE the RNC.

  3. We need to tell them that again and again because it is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

    And not only that, it goes beyond them. It will be the same for their children. What a scary thought.

  4. I am a 19 year old and I am proud to say this will be my first year voting. I work and I want to have a future, and Bush has already screwed it up enough.


  5. Yes !! ... Do YOU realize that the Democrats are just as much to blame ... if not more... than the Republicans !!!

    From another user ...

    Democrats have to recognize that since the 73rd Congress in 1933,

    ... for a MAJORITY of THE LAST 65 YEARS,

    ... Democratic Houses of Representatives and Democratic Senates have

    ... CONTROLLED the nation and the President.

    A TOTAL of 38 Sessions

    ... with Democrats

    ... in CONTROL for 28 of those!

    WE need to inform/TELL our political representatives that WE NEED TO PASS a Constitutional Amendment for the LINE ITEM VETO.

    This will keep the SPECIAL INTEREST GARBAGE from being attached to valuable legislation.

    If Congress wants to give the president that power, they will have to pass a constitutional amendment, Supreme Justice John Paul Stevens said. "If there is to be a new procedure in which the president will play a different role in determining the text of what may become a law, such change must come not by legislation but through the amendment procedures set forth in Article V of the Constitution," Stevens said, on June 25th, 1998.

    IF your special interest is SO valuable, why do you have to HIDE it in valuable legislation?

    So, with them REFUSING to PASS the Line Item Veto, in reality, the House and Senate have REALLY been controlling the country!!

    AND, with the CURRENT Senate and Congress having the WORST approval rating in HISTORY, hopefully we will see a LOT of changes after the general elections.

    A recent Reuters poll is out and Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have pulled an upset: They have managed to make George Walker Bush twice as popular as CONGRESS.

    RECENTLY - - JUST 8% of Likely Voters now say the DEMOCRATICALLY CONTROLLED Congress is doing a good or excellent job.

    Democrats generally believe in heavy fines for honest work, while rewarding sloth and indulgence.

    Do YOU think that people should be able to do absolutely nothing productive and get government hand-outs for sloth and indulgence - healthcare, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, STDs, etc. ??

    Do YOU want to have YOUR MONEY TAKEN from YOU and YOUR FAMILY to FINANCE these people ???


    Obama is going to give our sovereignty over to the United Nations through his Global Poverty Act (S.2433).

    Alaska Govermor Sarah Palin has MORE TOTAL political experience than Obama.


  6. I'm a young voter. This is my first election and I feel like making an informed decision on who to vote for in this election and in smaller elections like for individual state governments and senate/House elections too is extremely important. Fortunately I've met a lot of people my own age who feel the same way, regardless of the candidate we support. It's really exciting to be part of something so unifying as getting involved in such a groundbreaking election. I think more people will vote in this election this year than any previous presidential elections, especially younger voters because we all want change and we all realize the future is our responsibility.

  7. Yes, because the adults of this country don't think of the future when they vote.  Clearly, without the wisdom and experience of children, the future is bleak.

    I'm starting to understand McCain's thing about his outlook before his 5 1/2 years of torture changed after he was broken.

  8. You also forget that we'll be paying off the social security costs of 78 million baby boomers in the next ten years.  As a young voter, I'm sincerely worried about our national debt.  We are increasingly depending on foreign investors to buy off our debt (in the form of bonds and whatnot). With increasing debt, it also becomes harder for our government to borrow money.  Right now, we pay 17 cents to the dollar for every tax dollar just on interest alone. That amounts to more than we pay every year on defense.

    Our economic future doesn't appear very bright either.  Right now America imports far more than it exports and will continue to do so as long as our jobs are being outsourced.  It also appears that China will be the next economic power with U.S. being a close second by 2030.  A very real problem is that there will be a battle for resources such as fossil fuels between the U.S. and China, which already consumes most of the world's resources because of their high population. China has a bank of funds from the U.S. treasury in the amount of 1.3 trillion dollars and counting. China could actually cripple our dollar if they called in all the debts, the only reason they don't is because we are their primary importer of goods.  However, they seem to be covering their backs in the case of an American collapse, as they are beginning to trade more with other foreign countries such as Argentina (trade with whom as risen 300%).

    In other words, economically, China has us by the balls.  And we won't be able to do anything about it if our politicians continue to squabble and propose broad tax cuts while spending without limit.  Both parties are guilty of this, so for those of you who think I'm somehow being partisan, blow it out your ***. So people, study the issues, take in the bigger picture, stop pandering to isolationist views of America and think globally.  We need solutions, not questions and propaganda.  Study your candidates, and choose wisely.  That's my two cents.

  9. And the republicans want more of the war.

    Now they say Iran has Weapons of Mass Destruction.

    De-Ja-Vu anyone?

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