
Are young teenagers getting more and more aggressive?

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The latest news that a gangs of teenagers made £5 bets with each other , to see how long it would take to knock out a poor defenceless disabled man in Sunderland. This depraved attitude seems indemic today. They are left to run riot in public streets and grieviously asssault innocent bystanders. Where are the bluddy parents?




  1. Discipline starts in the home without a dobt and Im not surprised that teens are getting worse.

    They say theres not enough to do- there is - they just dont want to use whats there - too picky.

    There needs to be more teens coming up to sort these issues out - and less of adults moaning about teen issues. It just shows that teens don actaully care enough to put a stop to  these issues!

  2. And the following were never aggressive?





    I'm getting more and more sceptical about this idea that teenagers are running riot more than ever- what's got worse is British society's attitude to young people. It's just people would rather have them to be seen and not heard and preferably not either, to h**l with whether they have anything to do, any proper education or support for them or their parents.

    It's just the latest media folk devils.


  4. most aggressive teenagers are as part of a group when on their own they are very timid the cowards shold br flogged

  5. It isn't just teenagers, I know people in their 30s and 40s with a "lets get lots of tattoos and go and get pissed out of our skulls every Friday" mentality.

    Society has become extremely complex and as a result a whole army of excuse mongers have sprung up to tell everyone that nothing is ever their fault, their actions are all the result of stress, abuse, poverty and you name it.

    Nobody goes hungry because they WON'T work ( I don't class those truly unable to work with these ) and alchohol is so cheap even dole blungers can afford to float their brains in it.

    Couple this with the fact that many people who should be role models, such as politicians, entertainers and professional sports personanlities, are often sleazy drug abusing liars and cheats and what message are we giving to those with developing minds? Hey, this guy wrecked a night club abd beat someone up and he's a premier league footballer and got away with a fine anyway...why should I give a $hit?

    To put it in a nutshell, my friends, the underclass are outbreeding us. But that's the way the world ends, not with a bang but with a whimper.

  6. Yes i think kids these days are running the streets. Many parents have kids and have no intention of staying at home to look after them, they leave them as little ones with grandparents who have no patience with them, they just give them their own way for a bit of peace and quiet, you only need to look round supermarkets and stores to see these little children running wild. Even the children with their parents run around these stores like maniacs, while their parent look round, waiting for someone else to control their kids. There is not enough real discipline these days.

  7. No, parents are exercising less and less control over their kids.  They're so worried about the feelings of their precious little snowflakes, they won't punish or discipline them.  I blame parents for ruining society.

  8. I think lots of factors influence that sort of behaviour by youngsters. To blame the parents for everything kids do is not right.  Yes,  irresponsible parents are of course to blame but there are other things too. Poor quality education is the main factor in my opinion.  If  we LIMIT young people's  learning in schools to basic arithmetic and basic reading and spelling, which is what is the case right now,  that problem will continue. I just don't see how we can remove the Geography  subject, as we have done recently and still expect to have responsible and civilised children.  

    Have a look at these videos:



    (moronic music +children = this behaviour)

    So-called TV entertainment and MORONS like Jerry Springer ,together with poor education and we end up with adults like these:

  9. knock him out mate .??. they killed him ....!!!

    theres lots of factors to consider in the decline of society ...

    was a good result thought the long sentances they recived .. shame it will all be in a luxury life in prison, better than they could of provided for themselves on the outside.

  10. Without doubt they are - bad things have always happened but crimes like this are being carried out every day - most of them don't even make the news.  These kids are pure evil  there is no helping them - they are beyond it.  What these teenagers did to that man was hellish - they beat him to death, literally smashing his head into a car and left him dead with his underwear around his ankles just to add to the final humiliation - what sort of people are these teenagers?  I am glad that finally we are seeing some proper sentences handed out.  Let's hope they hang themselves in prison or take a drug overdose.

  11. The simple answer is 'yes'

    I think this is due to the lack of discipline that parents and schools are able to use nowdays due to the overly politically correct society that we find ourselves in.

  12. Well these kids haven't been taught the things I was taught as a child i.e. how to integrate into society etc, so it must be the parents.  Knowing that though doesn't really solve anything.

    Don't Panic:  I think Mods, Rockers, Skinheads & Punks use to beat the s hit out of each other - not the general public.  I agree with what you say regarding how little society values young people though. We reap what we sow etc.

  13. no standards these days'.. nor discipline or respect..

    i'm so pleased i can be and always have been proud of my son..

  14. If schools were tougher and parents were stricter, it would be a completely different story... but they're not.

    Take for example what happened to one of my friends last week.

    She was just talking to me, as she does, and I heard a group of absolute brainless troglodytes (that's the only way to describe them) trying to push each other into grabbing my friend and throwing her on the floor for no apparent reason.

    I shouted at them and told them where to go obviously, but I doubt that they are the worst ones, thank God. Those teenagers you talked about are clearly worse, and I can only hope that the Government actually understand what the public has to experience day in day out.

  15. The I-Robots?

    The defective, malfunction humanoids?

    Being mass produced and rolled off from the faulty production lines without being aware of it?

    With their web-size that keep on growing by the day?

    Soon may be or already going out of control.

    Wonder who mess and rough their heads against the wall without being aware of it created in own backyards?

    With faulty education and communication system.

    Living in misery out there.

    With the missing link in the generation gap.

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    Luke 11.46,52

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    Luke 8.10,17

    What do you think?

  16. I don't know about aggressive, too many of them seem to be utter savages.  Many of the dreadful gang attacks on defenceless and innocent people that we constantly read about are sub human.

    Parents either don't care or are scared to discipline their children, ditto the schools.  Even if they do end up in court they usually get a slap on the wrist.  They can be as bestial as they like because who is going to stop them?  There are no police around, if a member of the public ploughs in to help then that person is the one arrested by the police, not the culprits.

    As far as the Law is concerned, the UK is no longer fit for purpose.  We should bring back Approved Schools and Borstal, preferably building them in the heart of smart Notting Hill or Islington.  Let the rich Liberal Left have a taste of what it's like.  After all, it is their half baked ideas that have brought us to this state.

  17. yeah kids are out of control nowdays. i would have been bounced down the street if i had gone off like kids do today

  18. They probably are, but it is abit unfair to accuse us all under one blow.

    Not all of us are idiots who go around attacking people.

    I think that some parents cannot control their kids and then their kids are the ones who go around stabbing people.

    I hate to think what it would be like when I am an old man, probz won't reach 60, too many youth gangs probz and if they didn;t kill me the pollution would.

    What is happening to this world?

  19. The parents are probably as scared of the "people" they've let their children become as everyone else is. Either that, or they just don't care. I hate to be cynical, but does anyone suppose that a fair few parents only have children for the monetary benefits they gain, rather than the wish to actually have children?

    Discipline is dead. That's the problem.

  20. The 'machine' stopped working long ago a dysfunctional society has no direction and therefor no purpose

    mental teens have always been around in every generation

    tribal warfare is inherent in a lot of young men.

    .  Sunderland people must be so ashamed to live with

    such freaks  who should be isolated from society for a long time as an example

  21. In the pub or in prison

  22. Yes in moral values,no personality whatsoever !

    They are an unfinished portrait of an adult failure condemned to drinking,inconsequential s*x and drugs!

  23. It's called boredom

  24. I think these louts would benefit from six of the best each time they are behave violently towards the vulnerable .

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