
Are young women put in danger by posting pictures on Facebook?

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I used to be so incredibly naive. I would post pictures of myself on Facebook (all G-rated by the way) and have all my information public. I would get a billion friend requests and would add every single one.

This creep asked me for a year to hang out with him. He manipulated me into thinking I was mean for not hanging out with him after he kept asking. So I did and he assaulted me.

Now, I deleted Facebook all together.

Isn't FB dangerous?So many of my female friends still post thousands of pictures and have all their info. public. They act like I am being "paranoid" for shutting mine down.

What do you think? What is with this new generation that thinks its normal to meet people on Facebook and have in depth conversations and friendships with them, while giving out all your personal information?




  1. I had a creep bothering me on Facebook where people can own others.  If I didn't reply to his messages i'd be stalked by email.  He claimed to want to be friends but he got too spooky for me.  And also some women wanted to own my pics.  That was yukky.

  2. Hey Latrice I'm sorry this happened to you.  There are some real creeps out there.  Yes it can be dangerous to put too much personal info on the computer.  Please be careful.

  3. That's why I only have friends who I know in real life and just a few who seem okay on a "limited profile".  I don't have any real contact info up there (phone number, address) at all, even for my good friends to be able to see -- they know that or know how to ask me if they need it.  Nobody can see my page beyond the picture (which often is a cool picture I just took and want to show off, rather than even being one of me. . . although that really has nothing to do with paranoia) and what networks I'm in unless we're linked as friends.

    I think the whole idea of social networking websites is great. . . so long as you know how to manage it.  A lot of people under 18-20 have no idea what they can get themselves into.  Remember, young people are invincible!  I think this is just one of the newer manifestations of this unintentionally daredevil attitude a lot of teens and young adults have because they're too young to know any better.

    Facebook really went downhill a lot once they started letting high school kids join.  Allowing you to join without having a school network first only made things worse, although it did allow several college friends I hadn't seen in years to start showing up on my radar again.  I used to have my page (albeit still without any serious personal info on it) visible to my college network back in the early days, but I felt like I had to shut that off years ago.

  4. I am so sorry this happened to you.  I think many are aware of online safety but never believe it can happen to them.  I think your story would probably help those close to you and maybe even more young women...and people in general.

    I think sites like Facebook and MySpace can be safe if used in a safe manner, but there are dangers if it is not.

  5. Yes. I have considered putting pictures here but I know how dangerous it can be so I never did.

  6. stuff like that is dangerous for anyone. Just play it safe online. If you ever meet someone online the first couple times you hang out bring a friend and let others know where your going and why.

        People I think are more lonely these days. With all the hostility and selfishness of our current society it is a lousy place.

      People just want to reach out and connect so they won't feel alone.

    Just remember the rules for being safe online.

  7. Yikes.  That's awful.  I think kids need to be made aware of how to deal with predatory adults.  Sorry.

  8. I think Facebook and MySpace can get out of hand.  Especially when you agree to friend requests from people you don't know.  Should you decide to go back, keep your friend list to people you know and don't put excessive information on your profile.  

    Also, I read a while back that FB stores the data in your account to make it easier to come back.  In order to truly shut down your account, you basically have to remove all of the applications, groups etc.  It's supposed to be easier now, but I haven't had to delete my account yet.  

    This link is a few months old, so maybe things are easier now:

  9. It's not just young women. Anybody can be targeted by these creeps. That's why it's best not to post too much personal information on these websites.

  10. Just as you said, very naive and immature. There is a reason why they ask you for your private information, so other's can find you. Don't believe me? Then why do they ask? What I think about places like face book and myspace. That is just a way to solicit your self to pedophiles, rapist, and kidnappers. What many people don't realize is that there are people who are paid much money to watch for girls and boys that post their private information on sites like those.

    And in turn they pretend they are your friend so they can meet you in person, drug you, rape you, kidnap you, and then take you back to the person who paid them for you. That is called buying and trading people. And it happens to naive girls and boys every day. That is just one of many ways people are captured and sold as s*x slaves.

    EDIT: I hope I didn't scare you with my answer. But this is something that you and all those other kids need to know. You are very lucky you got away and are not missing like so many other's.

  11. I am always amazed at how much information young people put about themselves on Face Book and other similar sites.

    It really is better to be safe than sorry.

    It seems like you had to learn this lesson in avery hard way, I'm so sorry :-(

    But I HOPE other young people (boys AND girls) will listen to what you have said and take precautions ~ no identifying information, be careful who you add as a friend and how much you tell them ... and do NOT make arrangements to meet people from the internet unless your parents know about it and can be there to meet your new friend, too.

    The internet can be great for fun and friendship, but everyone needs to be careful, especially young people.

    Unfortunately, there are bad people out there, and they know about the internet, too!

    Take care of yourself :-)

  12. Facebook can be dangerous.  I keep really personal information off of there because of that.  I probably do have too much up there though.

    I hope that guy is in jail.  I don't think you're really paranoid for taking it down, especially after what happened.

    I'll never meet somebody off the Internet unless I have some friends to back me up.

    I don't think most people will ever be attacked, stalked, or whatever from Facebook, but there is always that possiblity.

  13. Oh hun, I am so sorry for what you have been through.  What you described is why we need to teach everyone to use the interenet responsibly.  It's not Facebook, or MySpace, its being too trusting and putting your personal information out there to the public. Its fine to meet people online, heavens I have made many, many friends online, but always use caution, especially in a situation that feels uncomfortable or is sexual or flirtaious (where is the mighty spell checker, I know that is spelled wrong).

    I hope you are okay now and high ratings for you for speaking out about what you went through.

  14. I think any website, even this one can be potentially dangerous. Everybody, not even just young women, needs to be careful with who they add and especially if they decide to meet somebody that way. Personally I would never agree to meet somebody in person that I knew from online, but not saying other people can't (my sister met her bf this way). I'm usually careful only to add somebody if I actually know them or at least that we're in the same network and have friends in common. The later I am only doing to meet potential friends for college.

    I'm very sorry that happened to you, but at least you have learned from it. And don't let you friends make you feel bad for getting rid of something that makes you uncomfortable. You might not be able to convince them, but jsut do what's right for you.

    btw I find it funny that John is telling you to get a hobby instead of being online when he obviously doesn't have one himself hahaa.

  15. Facebook is just as dangerous as any other walk of life.  But yes, real life experiences should be required before you divulge into the nothingness of the internet.

  16. Honestly, in this day and age, I think it's foolish for anyone to post their pictures where anyone can see it.  There's too many sick people out there.  And for your own protection, you don't need this kind of threat to your life.  I wish, as a matter of public safety, young people would stop posting pics of themselves online, but it's really not for me to say.

    Please understand, that most men don't engage in sexual preditory activity.  Most men are normative and don't wish harm unto others and wish to protect other human beings.  Most men are not hateful and not dangerous.  You were the victim of some pathologic human beings, but please understand that this isn't a representation of men.

  17. Shut up John, you'd probably be the FIRST one to rape a woman.  I base this on the fact that

    1. you have NO respect for women and our rights (you said yourself in your question that women should have s*x with their husband whenever he wants it, even if the woman does not feel well or does not want to)

    2. according to you, you have been to prison.

  18. Face book isn't the problem .. putting your info on it and meeting strange people in real life is the problem ... you learned the hard way , not everyone out there can be trusted ... hopefully your friends won't also learn the hard way .

  19. Dangerous if you aren't careful. Never agree to meet someone who has been harassing you online, if they harass you online what make you think they won't go farther in person?

  20. If someone is that persistent for a year ,it is obvious he is a nutter , a non nutter would just take the hint and go on to the next target .

    Glad you are okay to tell the tale ,only sad fat and crazy people would meet someone off the net .....Normal people get dates the usual way ,by stalking

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