
Are your NETFLIX movies not arriving or showing up damaged?

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A lot of our NETFLIX movies don't arrive or show up scratched. We contacted the USPS and they said the problem is with the NETFLIX packaging - that their sorting machines tear up the envelope (cause it's so flimsy). NETFLIX has a problem that they don't want to fix.




  1. yes, mine, have nvr arrived sometimes, arrived scratched, and ive also gotten the wrong movie, ur so right, and i got tired of paying and not getting anything out of it, so i quit it like,a year ago, and just go2 a near by movie store or at the grocery some of them have those machines where u can ren them 4 a  dollar a day!!

  2. I subscribe to Netflix and do not have any troubles.  I have received dvds that were damaged; however, after going online and reporting it, I have always received a copy of the movie the next day--this has happened only twice in the 6 months of the service.  My subscription is for 8 movies at a time and unlimited monthly, so yes I have used the service a lot--to say the least.

    I would be more inclined to think the problem you are having lays with your local postal office or carrier.  Also, if what the post office told you was correct, they would surely insist for Netflix use differnet packaging because I'm sure Netflix has postal insurance on their products.

  3. I have been a loyal netflix customer for years. I have gotten very few DVDs that wouldn't play or were just broken. They are very good about sending out another one real quick. IMO they have gotten faster. In fast I just got the email about the settlement from the lawsuit this week.

  4. When I ordered Live Free or Die Hard from NETFLIX, they sent me a live badger instead. I was like wtf... I didn't order a badger. It didn't even fit in the dvd player.. I called NETFLIX and they said they don't ship badgers and won't take it back and it's hungry or angry or something and nobody can go into the living room.  

  5. I have been a Netflix customer for years and only once has a movie arrived that was damaged and they arrive rather quickly. If a movie arrives and if not playable immedately notify them and they will ship another one. (even before they recieve the damaged one back) I don't know what to suggest about the delays in recieving the movies, maybe its where you live. Could you try a service whose located closer to your town?

  6. When I was renting hddvd's from them last year, many were scratched beyond playing except for a couple that were brand new.  I usually could play the dvd's but automatically just started cleaning them when I got them because they'd have pbj or **** (ok g o o k is a restricted word on y/a, wtf???) on them most of the time.  People do not take care of those discs AT ALL.  They must let they're 5 y/o's grind them into the player.  I cancelled nf a month ago because of that and never getting new releases, which is all I wanted.

  7. Neflix is going down hill. There are soo many ppl that complain about them. They lost business and now they are trying to win ppl back with a $4.99 rate a month. When they first came out it was a great thing. But yeah I know ppl are complaining of not getting em as quickly and the dvds not working. Write netflix themselves and tell them. Say hey if you arent gonna do something about this Im gonna go elsewhere for my dvds. That simple. Dont let companies like that waste your time or money!Good luck hope you get through to them! I cancelled about a year ago because it just wasnt the same as it use to be.

  8. Since one of their distribution centers is 20 miles away, I get my movies in a very prompt fashion.  They have been unplayable sometimes, but not very often.  The envelopes have never came damaged (I've damaged them by opening them too roughly though).  All in all, I'm very satisfied the service.  

    What happened when you contacted Netflix's customer service about your problems?

  9. When you get one that's scratched, try putting a little dishwashing fluid on the blank side, rub it in a lil, and wash it off gently.

    We've had Netflix for awhile and I've only seen one movie unable to be played bc of scratches.  

  10. Dump Netflix and start using the Redbox vending machines.  $1 per movie per night.  That's the way to go.

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