
Are your children three years apart?

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My husband and I have a 16 month old. We have been trying for a second child for a while now. Well it was put on hold due to medication I'm taking to help get me pregnant later. (Lupron depot for endometriosis) Anyway... I am depressed I have to wait several more months to try to conceive. Instead of them being 2 years apart like we wanted, they'll be 3 years apart. Is a three year gap ok? I hope they can still be close.Thanks!!




  1. There is 4 years between my oldest and my 2nd - they are both girls and get along very well.  There are 3 years between my 2nd and 3rd and while the baby is only 16 months, they seem quite compatible.   My husband and his brother are 12 months and 3 days apart and barely speak to each other and never got along as children.  

    I don't think years determine the closeness.  I am very close to 2 of my siblings who are 5 and 8 years older than I... of course, that came later in life instead of in childhood.

    Yours will be fine  

  2. I was 3 yrs from my sister and 3 from my brother we are as close as we could be, when we were young and now that we are older.

    I loved it so much my children will be three yrs apart too.

  3. My sister and I are 3 years apart and I kinda like it!

    We are almost 4.. were are super close.

  4. There is an 8 year gap between me and m brother, and you know what we are as close as a brother and sister could be! I am the eldest and he comes to me for support and i go to him for support too.  When we were younger i used to take him out on long adventure walks, and he would take his push bilke along and we would pretent to be super hero's (i played along lol) we had a great time :-) Don't get me wrong, we fought like cat and dog, even though he was so much younger than me, we still fought but it was as much him as it was me :-) he used to sit at my bedroom door when i was around 11 or 12 and then tell mum what we were talking about ha ha ha  aaaahhhhhhhhhhhh the memories! He is 21 now and i'm 28, his girlfriend has had a baby and i was origionally due the week before her, but she had a prem baby, thankfully caiden is fine and i'm just waiting to go into labour.  It was only last week when i was crying on my little brothers big shoulder :-)

    I have a 7 year old now and there will be a 7 nad a half year age gap between my little boy and my little girl who is due on thursday this week, and you know what? I aint one bit worried because i know they will be close.

  5. Me and my sister are almost 3 years apart and we are still super close. Lola is 13 months old and won't have a sibling in the near future but I am hoping for her to have one within the next...2 or 3 years.

    This way, Lola can pretty much feed, dress, and toilet herself once a new baby comes along. Also she will be a lot more understanding of the new baby. Just think of it that way and it'll be easier.

  6. Me and my older sister are 4 years apart and we have been super close our whole lives! Plus its great that we have never had to go to the same middle school or highschool together (that has probably kept us closer).

  7. My daughter and my son are 5 years apart.. I am enjoying the age difference because my daughter is such a great big sister adn my son adores her! She is the only one that can make him laugh lol..

  8. Yeah, I'm sure they will still be close. Me and my sis are 6yrs and we are super close, my son and daughter are three yrs and he adores her. Plus your older child will get extra alone time and will be a little older and be able to help out more. My sons are a little under two yrs apart and that was pretty crazy having a two yr old and a newborn. Good Luck!

  9. I only have one child but 3 years is our plan. When Alyssa turns 25 months old we will start trying.

    Think of it this way. By the time your second child is born your first child will be able to dress, feed, and toilet themselves. That will make life much easier for you. They will also be old enough to understand about their new sibling.

  10. My son is 22 months old and we're still trying to conceive our second baby.

    Its a good lesson in faith.  God creates babies.  Be patient and don't worry so much.  I wanted 3-4 kids all right away... right close in age... but that isn't happening for us.  We trust its for a good reason!

    My sister in law has 3 kids, all 6 years apart!  Yes, 1, 7, and 13.  She doesn't really like it for some reasons, but for other reasons, its perfect.

  11. My boys are 3 weeks shy of 3 years apart. They were supposed to be 3 years 5 weeks apart my my youngest came 8 weeks early. I've always wanted 3 kids--each 3 years apart so I'm happy with it. I hope TTC #3 in about 2 years so my youngest will be 3.5 years when the new baby comes.

    I think 3 years is a good age gap. The 3 year old is is old enough to help out and would know basic right from wrong and be able to listen to directions. But it's all about you and how close you want your children to be. I think maybe even 4 years is okay. For me, personally, I don't want a gap any larger than 4 years.  

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