
Are your favorite Surf Spots more crowded than they were a few years ago?

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Do you think surfing in the US is gaining or losing popularity?




  1. Like Dude,

    Being from the Big Isle in HI, I fight for my territory.  The states are not losing ground...the surfers are just wimpy and let all the non-locals take over what ever they want!  Man you gotta stand for your surfing freedom (like Brave Heart) and keep the US Govt outta my surf zone!

  2. its getting more crowded but only on tourist season, i do enjoy people wanting to experience surfing but it just gets annoying when a kook does not know proper etiquette, thats when i become agro and just snake anyones wave that i dont know in the line up or who appears that they have no idea what they are doing, but after labor day the beach is once again locals only because winter session is coming!

  3. I'd say gaining in being popular, when I was growing up in Southern California, I would eat,drink and sleep down on the beach, waiting for the rollers to get bigger, then no matter what time of the day or night in was, when they start coming in, I and a couple of my friends would grab the boards and head on out, waiting like vultures for that really big one that we could ride d**n near to the beach, sheer Ecstasy, nothing beats the thrill of riding a powerful wave, not even s*x, well maybe not that, but its pretty close.

    The areas along the coast in Ca, are now pretty much polluted with all the chemicals being released into the ocean from the chemical and refineries along the coast, and from what my friends are telling me about what is happening out there, the surfing is still good, but the pollutions in the water make it rough if you are swimming through it.

    I have a friend who use to follow the surf, worldwide, and he was telling me that some of thee best waves are down in Australia, monsters that surfers only dream about, maybe one day, I will go on down under and check it out for myself.


  4. d**n groms

    I think its gaining in the us

  5. Definitely gaining.  Too many idiots out there now in CA and I'm tired of rescuing their sorry bu**s every time they go out too far.


  6. GAIN!!!!

  7. is this a trick question

    i left my home country to escape the madness

    between the body board invasion and the resurgence of old farts on mals it is becoming a drag to go for a surf

    honestly when people start fighting (physically) for waves then somethings seriously wrong

    surfing will always be popular because it is sooooo cool to be able to surf

    i wish more wave pools (with proper waves) would be made instead of shopping centres and then the crowd problem may decrease

  8. It is gaining too much here in Japan too! 10 years ago we were maybe 40 surfers now on a Sunday you will see 400! Yesterday a rookie came with his barbie doll, parked his car in front of mine, blocking my view on the surf, throws out his board and runs into the water...never saw him catching one wave. All these new kids should be taught manners!

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