
Are your feelings ever reflective of the weather outside?

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What are your feelings at present and what's the weather like ouside right now?




  1. Every once in a while the weather does effect my mood, but usually it doesn't really matter; events of the day have far more influence.

  2. sometimes

  3. tired and bored.  

    i'm at work, it's dark, and cold.

  4. Yeah, I always feel less energetic on those awful gray, overcast days. Rain makes me feel kind of strange, too. It might just be something my brain does, or maybe not.

  5. It is true that human and animal behavior can be greatly influenced by the weather. High pressure atmosphere conditions can cause us to feel heavy, tired, sluggish and depressed. The same holds true for rain and snowstorms. Many animals simply sleep away the unfavorable conditions, whereas people cannot.  There is a condition known as SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder where the lack of sunlight can seriously alter our moods for the worse.

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