
Are your journeys in life always a way to discover yourself...?

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or some are meant to be... journeys just for the sake of a travel, meaning your attempt not to remain in the same place...?




  1. i have traveled all my life. i learned a lot of things from other countries on how to be nice to different cultures. it has taught me that there are a lot of different people out there that have different ways of greeting each other, when to eat, and when to rest. also, on how to party and not get too drunk.

  2. Opinions are just like Noses and everyone has his. I strongly think that life itself is a journey which leads us in the way we should go and thereby making us discover with Focus, Attention  and  the readiness to be the fitest of its survival. your JOURNEYS in life  are discovered  by yourself

  3. Strangely enough I have found the journeys for the sake of journey always throw up most unexpected ways of discovering  the self.  

    The charm (or shock) lies in the unpreparedness....

  4. Life as meaning in all journeys i take.

  5. You made me think...

    Uhh, I think you yourself should deny that thought because you are the driver of your life, every turn you make is your decision. The traveling part is the meaning to the journey, it's not always about yourself. It's sometimes a journey just for the sake of travel or a goal to be reached. Have you ever had some of those days, as a kid, where you'd go to the country side and look at all the life that passes by your window. Isn't that enough joy even without the end in mind? Its not the destination that counts its the journey that matters, in life

  6. Interesting question. I think every journey, every experience is an opportunity to learn something. Whether we take that opportunity or not is a different question all together. Thanks for asking this thought-stimulating question.

  7. No. I haven't offended myself in a chatter in whose offer is a mockery of my existence. A discovery is poverty. A life is complete when made so. If you discover yourself, you are subjecting yourself to the chatter of your will, of interested characteristics. Why make yourself this offer, when you could live without asking the question of who you are?

    I am night. I am dark. I will answer only to the stars. In me, there is no answer.

  8. both.... though recently they seem to be like NEO in MOBIL Station (i.e. the ONE in LIMBO) in the matrix series  ---  all that moving and I end up back where I started from

  9. Everything has meaning in life.  Everything you do or think.  

  10. yeah, i wanna discover the whole world xD

  11. I am the sum of all of my experiences - good, bad, or neutral.   Therefore even an occasional "fun trip" is necessary to make me what I am today.  

  12. Some journeys are taken to familiar places, just to get away from the fast pace of life at home. Some are taken to visit unfamiliar places, to learn about cultures different from my own. No matter which type I take, there's always a bit of both -I always end up discovering a bit more about myself, while also enjoying the feeling of not remaining in the same place where I spend most of my time.  

  13. Every journey however small adds to who you are and what you will ultimately discover.

    My journey from reading your question to writing this answer and your journey from writing this question to reading these answers, both are significant even though we do not perceive them as journeys per se. Simply by making these seemingly small journeys, we are no longer at the same place as we were a few moments ago.

    Nice :-)

  14. Yes, everything points to discovering the true self, the self which is beyond any circumstance you can have.  Travel can help in this regard as it helps you realize that things around you can change completely, but you're still there observing it all.  Same with using different languages.  Anything that helps you step back from your (cultural) conditioning can help.  Travel and study aren't necessary though, just helpful for some people.

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