
Are your parents cool ? or do you feel embrassed by them

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Are your parents cool ? or do you feel embrassed by them




  1. yeh my parents are cool they're bikers, they dress good and have an awesome taste in music. and there not strict at all.

  2. Mr Happy...when you get older and maybe have kids of your own you will realise that good parents are not trying to be cool or even your friends.  Parents are there to love you and care for you and to guide you.  To teach you about boundaries and morals, good values and to help you develop resilience to cope with frustrations and other stuff that happens in your life.  

    Hopefully it wont matter if they are cool or even embarressing if you turn out to be a happy, confident, young man, who is not racist or sexist or violent or abuses drugs or alcohol.  Whatever your parents are, I guess a good sign that you are turning out ok is that you love them and respect them, even if they do embarress the h**l out of you at times (mine did ALL THE TIME) and that YOU know that they love and care for you.  Something like that anyway.  

  3. I don't know. Put this in adolescent where you're more likely to get the answers you want.

  4. My Mama was always young at heart, and everyone loved her. I lived in her shadow..Bless her x

  5. they can be "cool"

    but lets face it all parents are embaressin, dont know why because even if they try not to be they still are because they're my parents, right?

  6. Well in my opinion - I have the most awesome mom in this entire world. I could use so many words to describe my mother outspoken, understanding, open minded, hard working, nice, funny, crazy, stylish, sweet, easy to talk to - there's just so many words to put on here about her.

    I love my mother, I think I lucked out with getting the best mom ever. She is the most understanding person I know, I can come to her and talk to her about anything - anything. Nothing is off limits for us. We are so close as a mother and daughter it's crazy. While most fifteen year olds are probably fighting, hitting, screaming at their mother, my mother and I actually hang out. We do a bunch of stuff together we go to Cedar Point every single year, we used to go to Geauga Lake - but that got torn down and we just have Wild Water Kingdom. We go to the movies, we shop, we go for walks in the park and dip our feet in the creek nearby, we go to the gym together. We do everything. We're able to hang out and just you know have fun.

    She is still a parent, when I do something wrong you know, I will get what I deserve. Though I can't think of what I really do wrong I mean I never really sneak out or go to parties - I wouldn't know where to go and I would probably be too lazy. Sometimes my mom and I have our arguments and disagreements but that's not just every mom and child that's every person. But my mom and I are so alike we're both open minded, I'm kind of outspoken, and we're both stubborn and we both always want to have the last word in any conversation we have. It's pretty funny actually. Usually if we have an argument I'll retreat to my room and she'll do what she does and we'll just cool down for an hour or so and then I'll go out and we'll just talk about the whole situation. Talking works for us - to me it is a punishment because I'm a very private person who finds it hard to open up and trust people. But my mother is one of the people I can trust.

    As for embarassing, well my mom can be embarassing but it's mostly her being so outspoken and loud mouthed she is not afraid to let out her opinion, which can be good - and very bad. If somebody is dressing bad, she's going to turn her head the other way and whisper to me (she's a horrible whisperer!) her opinion on it. If somebody you know is just being rude and snotty - my mom will be much worse back to them. It's kind of funny but you know I kind of want to tell my mom to calm down for a minute, count to ten and just get over it.

    So yes my mom has her embarassing moments, but she has a ton of cool factors about her that make her the best mom on this planet.  

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