
Are your parents married to each other? If not, how old were you when they divorced or died?

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My parents have been married for 44 years and I've been married for 17 years.




  1. I am 50.  My parents were still married when my Dad died 9 years ago, so I guess I was 41.  It's still painful ... probably always will be.

  2. My parents have been divorced since I was around 8 years old. I'm in my 30's now.

  3. My parents have been married for 39 years but together for 43 years.

    In those 4 years they never had s*x, they never lived together, they were each other's 1sts, for everything.

  4. My parents divorced when i was 11.... i am 11 years old now


  5. I'm 23 and my parents have been married for 25 years.  I've been married for three months.

  6. My parents have never been married to each other.

  7. My parents have been married for 29 years.

  8. my real parents never married but my adopted parents have been married 38 years i have been married 4 years  

  9. My parents have been married for 30 years and still living.

  10. My parents were married 42 years until my father died.

    I've been married 34 years.

    Long marriages run in our family.

  11. My parents have been married for 30 years. I've been married almost three years.

  12. My parents are still married, and will be celebrating 38 years in Oct.  My wife and I just celebrated 12 years 2 weeks ago.

  13. My parents divorced before I was born. Now I am married and pregnant. Let's hope it doesn't go the same way!

  14. My parents divorced when I was 14 and now I'm 37...

    My marriage of 3 years and 3 months is going

    through a separation right now. ;-(

  15. My parents were married for 16 years and divorced.  I was 13 when the divorce was final, but about 10 when my dad moved out.

    My dad has been married to his second wife 21 years this winter.  They have a 17 year old daughter who is my half sister.

    I've been married 1.5 years.  I am my husband's second wife.  Second marriages do better in our family than first marriages.  His mom has been married to his stepdad for 26 years.  His dad and his stepmom have been married 19 years.

  16. My parents divorced when I was 22.  They had been married 30 years.

  17. My parents are still married to each other. We are actually thinking about what to do for their 50th wedding anniversary.

  18. My parents divorced when I was only 4yrs old and now I'm 50plus. My mom who raised me died this spring.

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