
Are your parents still married to each other, divorced, separated, or other?

by Guest33337  |  earlier

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If they are still married how long? If they are divorced how long have they been divorced and how many years were they married prior to that? Also what was the reason for the divorce?




  1. my parents separated by death,  my father was killed in a car accident.  they were married for 10 years.

  2. other.

    they were never married.

  3. My parents were married for over 35 years before my Mom passed on. My Dad got remarried and has been to my StepMom for 3 years this Dec.  

  4. my parents were married for 26 years and seperated when i was 6. They finally got a divorce when I was about 14. My dad was too controlling and drank a lot. My mom was always held back from her dreams and now shes happy and is a very successful business owner!

    *its nice to see so many comments on here about parents still gives us a little hope!!! =)

  5. mrried 25 years now i think, but im trying to get my mom to divorce my dad, i hate him with passion

  6. First marriage for both and married 24 years.. And they still walk around holding hands and leaving little notes for each other saying how much they love each other and all that.

  7. My parents were married for a couple years, divorced about a year after I was born. They have been divorced for over 20 years and my mother met someone new. My dad was in the navy, wasn't the husband that my mom needed so she met someone new and remarried.  

  8. Married 23 years still going strong

  9. My parents are still married and have been for over 40 years plus.  Its wonderful to see marriages that still stay strong.  For myself, I have been married two times.  Once for the wrong reason and the second time to the right guy.

  10. my parenst are still together 23 years in October

  11. Still married--50 years next February.  I think they annoy each other from time to time, but they generally get along OK.  My wife and I don't bicker, and neither do my sisters and their husbands.  

  12. My parents have been married for 33 years, and there where times growing up that I wish they would have divorced. But they are happy now and it is great to see them so happy.

  13. My mom and dad have loved each other for 21 years and have been married 17 years!

  14. I'll answer this one for my sons.yes their parents are still married 34 1/2 years .never been apart. But two of my sons been married 2 times.

    one of the others is separated. One has never married .Was hoping we was good examples for marriage,but they will do what they want!

  15. my parents are still happily married to each other for 35 long years, and they are going strong still.

  16. My parents are still married, they've been married for the past 29 years and even better yet, my grandparents just celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary! I consider myself very blessed!

  17. My parents are married for 26 years and still going strong.

  18. Both my parents are dead.

    My dad died january 1994 at the age of 63.

    My mom died 4 months ago on april 9th at the age of 74.

    If they were both still living they would have been married 52 yrs on august 25.

    When my dad died they had been married 37 yrs and had a wonderful marriage.

  19. Well my parents have been married for 30 years( Aug 7th). Which I think is cool because how the divorce rate is. You can still the sparkle in there eyes for each other which is great. I wish I could be like them and have a lasting loving marriage.

  20. My parents have been divorced for over 14 years. They were only married for around 4 years. They had me and I was 7 at the wedding. They got divorced because my mom fell out of love with him. I think it is a sad thing.

  21. My parents are 44 and still married. They have been married 27 years!! They have 6 kids: 27, 25, 24, 22, 19, 17... Plus my mom is pregnant again. I don't know how they do it but I hope my wife and I are as happy as them when we're older!!

  22. my parents were married for 22 years and then my dad passed away, but i know that they would still be married and if they were, they would have been married for 39 years

  23. My parents.. married 57 years

    His parents.. both died, still married 18 years

    Us....married 38  years 8 months

  24. they were married for 9 years but knew each other for 13. There divorced.  

  25. they re no longer married . daddy didn't deserve one bit of mom .they ve been divorced now for 15 years . she celebrated it the beginning of this years and called the party . "15 years of freedom" they were married  for 19 years . they divorced cause she had no idea daddy was cheating for 6 years WITH THE SAME WOMAN . she didnt say anything but packedand  as soon as they seperated the b ...CH moved in . after i met i knew it was for the best for them . mom was way better . she didnt remarry after, not even a boyfriend .

  26. still married 41 years...

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