
Are your partners past relationships important?

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Let's say you just started a relationship with eachother, and you both decide the past is the past, and come up with the conclusion to not talk about relationships you had before eachother. Months pass and all of the sudden they say "I know we agreed not to talk about this, but now that we're a bit more serious, have you ever been in a serious relationship?"

You decide to just have the conversation because you are curious of their relationship history as well...You talk about it, and they reveal that they have had a lot of sexual partners (be it actual s*x, oral etc)

Would that bother you?




  1. I don't think it would bother me so much, I mean, what did I expect? For them to not be in a relationship before me? (Just because I've never been in one doesn't meant they haven't either.) I'd be curious yeah. Bothered, no.

  2. It depends on how many is a lot. I believe the past is important if you are starting a new relationship because you want to learn as much as you can about your partner and what happened in the past could help strenghten your new relationship.

  3. it would bother me but not because i was jealous, but because i'd worry about my own health.

  4. It doesnt bother me. My partner and I have been honest with one another from the start about past relationships. We have both had a number of partners.  

  5. No, it wouldn't bother me. I like knowing to an extent what my partner's past is. I don't want all the bedroom details, I don't want to read an erotic representation of what their bedroom life was like, but I feel happy that she's comfortable enough with me to let me know where her life brought her before we got together.  

  6. Well, past relationships.. hmm.. I don't mind talking about it.. but it's not that important to me really~ if my gf want to tell me.. than she can tell me.. if not.. then i won't dig it outta her or whatever. As for.. revealing that they had a lot of sexual partners v__v.. well that one is tough.. i probably would be disturbed a bit .. knowing that they had a lot of s*x T^T! oh i mean.. it does matter somewhat  T^T!

  7. I don't know much about his past. He doesn't talk about it. All I know is since we hooked up he hasn't missed dinner yet. And its been like over 20 years.

  8. i dont think so unless they didn't change. but i would be a little scared to get STD's

  9. Why should it?  Did you think you had a virgin on your hands? If this bothers you, you are being silly. Count your blessings that your partner is experienced. YOU are the beneficiary of that experience! Good luck and love.  

  10. Honesty is never offensive when taken for what it is worth. Most everyone has a past and talking about it in a mature relationship should not be a problem. It is the present that counts.

    I have befriended my life-partner's ex's because I know he loves me and just because they are in hi past doesn't mean they could be friends in the present.

  11. no. my past is shouldnt be important to them. ill let them know without getting to detailed though. like if they asked how many people i slept with ill say 2. i wouldnt give names or their s*x or ect.thats not important for them to know.

  12. I could care less how many past sexaul relations my current boyfriend had. as long as he was safe, and he was faithful now.

  13. thats a tough one.....if she was just sleeping around just to be doing it it would bother me or it would probably make me a little uncomfortable to be with her(sexually) after discovering that

  14. If you're mature than you can move on.

    My girlfriend is shy and hadn't dated very much before she met me. I had dated quite a bit and had been in many relationships, some serious, some not and I had my fair share of one night stands.

    She makes jokes about my past and I can't imagine being with anyone else now that I met, 'the one'.

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