
Are your pets acting weird too?

by  |  earlier

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I live in the mid-west, and before we had that last earthquake my pets(3 cats 1 dog) started acting strange. They've been doing it again for a few days now. Not only that, my mom and my neighbors pets are acting wierd too.(sleeping in strange places, waking me up at all times of the night, and it seems they all have been hiding in places they do not normally go to.) I know they sence thing before we do. Is this a sign of things to come?




  1. actually my small dog wont go outside at night unless we force her,

    but my larger dog is fine

  2. could be

    my cats always act weird though

  3. My dogs do that during tornado season where I live.

  4. the other day my brother woke up and 1 of his bedroom walls was covered with flys , it was liek sumthin out of a film , even the terminator man sed it was strange bcus they wernt cluster flys , then my dog started barking at the door wen ther was no1 ther whcih is very odd for her , and on the same night all these birds where sitting on top of the houses all around my house , i was so fkin scared dude its the apocaalypse no joke lol

  5. Their just scarde...they'll get back to normal.My animals are fine.

  6. My pets aren't acting strange, but animals can sense natural disasters and stuff like that, so I think it's just instinct.

  7. My animals act weird before a thunderstorm

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