
Are your poems sometimes a secretly revealing self-portrait?

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Stretch the canvas tight

Add layer after layer of base

Black-brown or White

Paint a foundationless home

Detached from Earth and floating

Paint a legless man waiting

Paint a fruitless tree arching

And a light just off the center

With chair and guitar akimbo

A Daliesque windchime

Of dream pieces scattered and displaced




  1. You may get a chuckle when you read this , one line sticks out and says to me -- oh yeah this is me totally (although the whole thing could be about a painting and the way a painter looks at his work) Nevertheless back on track I go! This is the verse:

    And a light just off the center

    and the frosting on the cake to complete the real me:

    Of dream pieces scattered and displaced

    I hope you can understand what I am saying here with these 2 very powerful verses of yours!

    Not trying to be discombobulated at all!

    I love your poetry, and can't get enough!


  2. This is by far one of your greatest.  I love all of the musical metaphors and instruments mentioned here.  The vision of an artist painting his muse is not lost in this great piece.  My hat is tipped.

  3. . A Dream Girl

    YOU will come one day in a waver of love,

    Tender as dew, impetuous as rain,

    The tan of the sun will be on your skin,

    The purr of the breeze in your murmuring speech,

    You will pose with a hill-flower grace.         5

    You will come, with your slim, expressive arms,

    A poise of the head no sculptor has caught

    And nuances spoken with shoulder and neck,

    Your face in a pass-and-repass of moods

    As many as skies in delicate change         10

    Of cloud and blue and flimmering sun.


    You may not come, O girl of a dream,

    We may but pass as the world goes by

    And take from a look of eyes into eyes,         15

    A film of hope and a memoried day.

  4. I think poems are revealing.  I think we always tend to write a bit of ourselves into our poems whether we do it overtly or covertly.  It just the natural process of writing.  This is a great poem, very telling and with great imagery which is something I have always admired and loved about your poems.  You have an amazing ability to paint a picture with words and this is no exception.  Very Daliesque poem.  Wonderful write.    

  5. Yes.  And your poem is an interesting word portrait.

  6. This is a really nice poem and i liked how it really made me think and go Wow that's awesome.Yes in many poems i write there are always parts of me in them ' rather happy ' distant or sad and they some what become a part of me' as i am part of them....Nice as always T.D..

  7. Abstract impressionism paints wonderful pictures of the mind and soul. There is much that dreams and poetry share with the painting you describe.

  8. My poetic nature lies in visual arts rather than poetry per se.  

  9. This is an exquisite piece. I agree with firefenix; it is definitely one of the best I have seen on Yahoo Answers. I especially appreciated the fact that while you are writing about painting a picture (life) you also cause the reader to paint a picture in his/her mind. Not everyone can do this.

    I also like the fact that you never ask a question or directly address a specific life issue - but yet we (the readers) end up questioning our own place in the world. We identify our true selves as the canvas and our multitude of characters that serve as the layers we hide under. Absolutely masterful . . .

  10. A Daliesque word painting, the elements and images mysterious and inspiring, yet clear in the mind's eye. Reality morphing as it does in life from glance to glance, minute to minute. Time does not exist. Time is eternal.

  11. I was reminded recently that all dreams and all the characters in those dreams are the dreamer.  All is self portrait.  This is a very thought filled poem.  Thanks.

  12. Good morning TD. I loved this piece! There's something about a blank canvas that immediately inspires me... malleable reality indeed.

    It's no secret... my poems are windows to my soul...

    Much love always,


  13. Often times poems are the personal experiences of an individual expressed poetically. Poems often show the true character of a person!

  14. I think, therefore I am

  15. Oh yeah...all the time...

    This one obviously is a well...

    Not to mention one of the best poems I've read on Yahoo! Answers...Most are quite amateur-ish.

  16. As a new writer, this poem shall be my mantra

    as I sit to paint a new portrait...

    what an inspiring piece to help

    a young poet develop a poet's eye.

    I thank you.


  17. This is a beautiful, visual piece. I love it. It would be really wonderful to see these words of yours painted onto canvas.

  18. In the MILLIONS, I say!

  19. Yes, no matter how hard one tries not to put anything of themselves into any work of art there is always something revealing.

    You're killing me today. Well, not actually "killing", in fact, my brain's not having to work as hard as you usually make it; it's pleasant. Thanks.

  20. Yes, but many times as well as the observer, It is said, isn't it,

    write what you know. "Of dreams pieces scattered and displaced"

    a lovely line. I have forever thought of my own words, as Scraps of

    thoughts. pieced together like a crazy quilt,surreal.

    Kudos to your poem

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